Thanksgiving - More Good Stuff

Nov 21, 2023

It's that time of year again to be thankful.

So, when was the last time you took a moment to acknowledge something you’re thankful for?

There’s no wrong answer and this isn’t to guilt trip you.

It’s just that I find the world can be very Problem Focused.

The tendency to look for problems and to always feel discontent is deeply ingrained in most of us.

It is great to know when you don’t like something in order to make a different choice and to strive for more.

But, taking a few minutes each day to think about or write out just 5 things you appreciate about your life at this moment will help you actualize your desires even faster!

To be clear, you are NOT forcing yourself to be happy and grateful for things you don’t like.

That is like an old way of guilt tripping ourselves to settle for less than we truly want.

Nope, not doing that crap!

Instead, take a moment and drop all your defenses and really see how many amazing things you have...

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Upgrading Your Relationships

Nov 14, 2023

Are you ready for ALL of your relationships to get way BETTER?!


Life is essentially about relationships.


There’s personal, professional, and the most important relationship of all is the one with yourself.


Whether you’re talking to a family member, lifelong friend or a stranger on the street it’s all a reflection of your dominant assumptions of how you expect to be treated and how you treat yourself overall.



You want to be heard, respected, and safe to speak your truth. That it’s safe to be fully yourself and that you’re not being judged if you're not always in the best mood.


If you haven’t been feeling particularly kind to yourself and holding back your truth a lot then I have the perfect thing to help change those patterns for good!


I’ve put together a bundle of 5 of my healing audios that clear around relationships and self-expression blocks/patterns.


  • Opens you up to new ways...
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Super Relationship Bundle

Nov 14, 2023

Are you ready for ALL of your relationships to get way BETTER?!

Life is essentially about relationships.

There’s personal, professional, and the most important relationship of all is the one with yourself.

Whether you’re talking to a family member, lifelong friend or a stranger on the street it’s all a reflection of your dominant assumptions of how you expect to be treated and how you treat yourself overall.

That’s not an invitation to start blaming and beating up on yourself.

Rather an opportunity for you to start creating more fulfilling and uplifting interactions with everyone.

What do your ideal relationships look and feel like?

We all have preferences for certain things but I know deep down that you want to feel that you matter.

You want to be heard, respected, and safe to speak your truth.

That it’s safe to be fully yourself and that you’re not being judged if you're not always in the best mood.

If you haven’t been feeling...

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How to Express Anger - The F You Letter

Nov 07, 2023

When was the last time you felt angry?

Did you express it by blowing up and yelling, stuffing it down, or maybe you chose to take a deep breath and release it?

Those are just a few of the most common ways people usually deal with anger and any other uncomfortable emotion.

I’ll share some of my favorite ways to process anger further down.

I find that anger gets a bad rap, especially if it's expressed.

As a girl it was mostly encouraged for me to be soft, quiet and agreeable, no matter what.

That wasn’t gonna work for me LOL!

I’ve always been really good at expressing my feelings, even if they are very intense.

And I did get judged, criticized, and people sometimes had no idea what to think of me.

Have you experienced that too?

If so, be kind to yourself.

We live in a world that mostly encourages suppressing and full blown avoidance of many feelings. 

Yes, there were times I exploded, probably not the best thing.

But I realized those explosions of...

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Expectations of Family

Oct 31, 2023

I sat down to write about family and how our expectations of them determines how they show up in our world.

Then suddenly I was distracted and caught off guard by seeing a ghost in my living room!

It's very normal for me to see ghosts and to communicate with those that have passed on, I’ve been doing that since I was a child…

However; the way this spirit showed up was very different than I had experienced before and I had to stop and go Wooah wtf was that?! LOL!

This experience got me thinking about different ways we are haunted by family and ancestral programming, whether we like it or not. Which contributes to our expectations of family members.

Not all beliefs or experiences are negative but many of the things passed down through families can definitely impact us in undesirable ways.

Science has proven that we all can carry memories from our ancestors at least 12-15 generations back!

Now before you start feeling annoyed and hopeless; I’ve got good news!...

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4 Signs you might be addicted to Unhappiness

Oct 24, 2023

Are you stuck in a sad story?

Do you find that you feel an urge to continuously talk about a certain negative event?

We all have unpleasant experiences and some can be traumatic and take a moment to move past.

But, you may notice at times you are overindulging in an unpleasant story/memory.

There is a big difference between searching for a different perspective/healing of something and getting value out of rehashing it.

Here are 4 common patterns I see with overindulging in unhappy stories: 

  1.  You get attention- There’s nothing wrong with attention. But if you grew up with neglect(that’s just one example) you may find yourself unconsciously craving attention, even if it comes from drama and unpleasant experiences.
  2.   A distraction/excuse- To not choose something different. This is often a way we avoid responsibility for creating our lives. Yes, even the so-called “bad stuff” But, you can choose something entirely different at any...
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Are you in The Hermit Phase?

Oct 17, 2023

Have you noticed you don’t enjoy being around people as much as you used to?

I’ve had numerous clients come to me recently feeling that way.

They were judging themselves and thinking they should want to be more sociable and basically do the exact same things that they always have.

You might be concerned that something is wrong with you too.

Rest assured there’s nothing wrong with you!

We all need time alone to reboot periodically.

But, what if this feeling of wanting to be alone has been going on for an extended time frame? Maybe you’re naturally more of an introvert or….

You could be in The Hermit Phase.

The Hermit phase is where you go more inward to reflect and get in touch with who you are but more importantly who you want to be now.

This phase can happen at any time in your life and usually happens more than once.

Old versions of you, people and things are falling away….let them.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re...

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How to beat Burn-Out

Oct 10, 2023


There are countless articles and books written about burnout.

The causes, how long it lasts, and what supplementation and lifestyle changes are recommended.

You will find some great information and I do believe that certain supplements are helpful.

But, if you’re feeling burnt out or on the verge of exhaustion it's a great opportunity to do some deeper assessments of your life.

This is probably not the time to keep pushing or “try to get more energy” just to set yourself up for possibly bigger issues in the future.

You may be thinking something is wrong with you.

Why can’t you get as much done as others? You should be able to do more as you constantly push against your body’s natural need for rest, relaxation and leisure.

First of all, comparing yourself to others is really the quickest path to misery.

Secondly, you really have no idea what is going on with the people who appear to be full of energy, super productive, and happy.


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Stop Apologizing and Do This Instead

Oct 03, 2023

Do you notice that you apologize often?

Maybe you say sorry for how someone else feels or if a friend had a negative experience, even if you weren’t involved in the situation.

These habits of over-apologizing are pretty obvious but what about the sneaky ways you are apologizing for being?

Have you ever received really great feedback on something you created but immediately felt a twinge of guilt and worry?

Suddenly you’re contracting and feeling like you’ve done something bad. Wondering who do you think you are to enjoy yourself and to be noticed for your talents?

The world gives us a lot of contradicting information.

Be successful and stand out!


Hide; be small and safe!

And depending upon your childhood experiences/programming you will decide if it is a good or bad thing to be seen and acknowledged for being YOU.

Here a just a few signs you’re apologizing for your awesomeness:

*Deflecting compliments

*Hiding talents from others

*Hiding or...

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Gift of Solitude

Sep 26, 2023

What sort of images does the word solitude bring up for you?

Maybe dark, sad, lonely.

Or perhaps it was more peaceful, content and something you’re craving more of.

Although solitude can be seen as isolation and misconstrued as a bad or unwanted thing.

People have been seeking out solitude since ancient times.

Have you ever wondered why?

And have you ever thought of why you may actually avoid it?

Let’s start with why we might avoid solitude.

The number one habit that I see people choosing over the years is running away from themselves.

You're not going to allow yourself to have much quiet or solitude when you're trying to run away from yourself.

So why exactly would you want to run away from yourself?

Often because you’re trying to avoid something.

It could be feelings, your awareness of other people's feelings and you may even be aware of other things beyond words.

But there are many amazing benefits of regularly taking some time to be with yourself.


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