
"What did I do to get so lucky to have Althea helping me transform both in my personal life and business life? I have worked with different therapists, spiritual teachers, and business coaches, but none of them come close to Althea. Althea is that rare gem that intuitively knows what is blocking you from getting where you want to go. She does it by gently holding a mirror to your inner thoughts. Though seeing them can be uncomfortable, she helps you get past it. She does it in a way that is non-judgmental and will say it in a way that you can receive it best. 

Every time I work with her, I get immense value from her. I actually write detailed notes of each of my sessions with her. Recently, I looked back at my notes from a year ago, and I am amazed by how different of a person I am in one year.She has literally helped me in so many aspects of my life, from divorce, sexual abuse, to finding another career path, building my business, to inviting real love again.I couldn’t be more grateful to have Althea in my corner.For those who are considering working with her, JUST DO IT. She will help you transform your life for the better.."


Althea is the fairy godmother you never knew you needed! She helps me make all of my dreams come true, and they're bigger and better than I could have ever imagined on my own. As your co-creator, anything is possible with Althea. She's like therapy for the soul -- she clears and taps into areas that I didn't even realize were there, which then allows more ease, fun and abundance into my life and my relationships. The best part about working with Althea is that she makes you feel safe and comfortable to share openly, without judgement -- she brings the perfect combination of humor, sass, love and compassion to each session, even when something feels incredibly difficult to address or heal. She has truly helped me create a life where I can be my full, sparkly self and call in a reality that is better and brighter than I could have imagined! Althea will help change your perspective and teach you just how powerful you are. You'll leave each session feeling empowered and ready to take on the world!

 Emma K - CA

 I’ve been working with Althea for over 10 years. She is an amazing healer who will call you out on your sh*t. She has shifted so many things in my life. I’m such a different person. I’m forever grateful for Althea and her amazing abilities! I highly recommend her for helping in all areas of your life and especially if you are serious about wanting a change and you can’t figure out what is holding you back! "

Marni M.

There are some people in life you meet and immediately know they are special! Althea is a rare gem who has so many gifts, I'm honored to have received even a fraction of them. One session with her is like x10 with a therapist plus a massive solution and release from the issues brought in. It is very powerful working with Althea, being in her company, and for that hour, experiencing her magnetic energy. In addition to all this, Althea is straight up hilarious! I just adore her direct, honest nature that's easily received because she's got so much genuine compassion and light hearted humor. We've had many sessions together over the years and from the very first one I knew Althea was unique. She understood me better than I could articulate at points, cleared around a lot of stagnant and painful trauma's and empowered the shit out of me! Parts of her work are so magical you just have to experience it for yourself. Your life will be never the same and forever better once Althea is in it! 

Jill - Los Angeles

During my session's Althea has helped me focus and understand what my desires are, while also helping me to move on from the things that do not serve my purpose. Prior to my sessions I knew what my desires were, but was overwhelmed by the process of achieving them.

Althea honed in on specific things that would help me achieve my goals, while also helping me to let go of the things that were preventing me from doing so. After 12 sessions I'm in the process of achieving my main goal which has opened my eyes and made me realize how easy it will be to achieve my future goals. This change in me has awakened my soul and I am excited about the changes I have begun. Through this journey with me Althea has been a guiding light and I look forward to each session."

Judy - Laguna Beach

"Althea is one of those rare individuals who is clearly tuned into subtle energy. She is a divinely gifted healer, intuitive and empath with a lifetime of experience assisting others remove energetic blocks which obstruct the natural free flow of emotional and physical well-being. Having worked with Althea myself I know from experience she has a unique capacity for creating instant, positive energetic shifts in others."


"I am happy for maybe the first time! The change in my life is far too great to put into words. I will be forever grateful for Althea' life changing help. Life in every aspect is not only manageable again, but I am happy for maybe the first time!"

Mary - Santa Monica 

"Althea is a true angel.  She is vested with healing ability, love, strength and compassion to not only understand you but, to actually heal you.  When working with Althea, this shift is quick, rapid and life-changing.  I was always and remain to be very hesitant to have anyone in my energy field, as I know I am a highly sensitive and an empathic person.  When I received her phone number I called her immediately, which is not something I would ever do.

After her energy clearing on me,  my life has changed tremendously and is continuously changing in such positive ways.  I am back on track, my fears are diminishing and I am ready to really be me….and live with the truth of myself and follow my intuition.  I love myself again.  I used to be afraid of everything, worry, and felt like I didn’t belong in society…which turned into anger, depression and physical problems.  Since working with Althea, that is all gone.  New doors are opening up for me every single day…without even trying.  I am being offered jobs, men are knocking at my door….I couldn’t believe it!

I am now able to love, live and bring light and peace to others again. Thank you Althea for your extraordinary gift.  Thank you for having the strength to heal others in the way you do.  Thank you for the love you have for people in this world."

- Los Angeles

I met Althea back in 2021 after a major breakup, the end of my studies and some traveling around the world. As a psychologist Althea has changed and expanded the way I see and interact with the world. I have been working with her ever since, first very regular and now a few times a month. Besides a lot of external change, the relationship towards myself has majorly shifted and this is besides others, deeply rooted in the kind, warm and accepting way she works. 

I was not aware of parts of myself and am day by day amazed how many of things I didn’t like or accepted are now more and more in the process of being integrated. Day by day more sunshine comes through those dark clouds which were shielding my soul and core for such a long time. I am deeply thankful for the introduction and the opportunity to work with her. If you are interested and willing to take a deeper dive into you and are not scared of facing what might come up. You found the right place. With much love, kindness and compassion.

Ben - S.L.


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