Do you find yourself blaming others for how you feel?
Thinking if this or that person were different then you’d be in a better mood, more successful, or that your entire life would be different?
If you don’t think you do this, I encourage you to pay attention and notice the subtle ways you actually are making others the cause in your reality.
Yes, we are all programmed in childhood. And we carry loads of cellular memories from our ancestors which can and does impact our life and choices.
But, you do not have to let all those things control what you choose in your own life now.
It is important that you admit if you feel abused, cheated and angry about your upbringing and family dynamics. Then you must decide if you want to wallow in that forever, or dig deeper to free yourself from perpetuating these cycles.
Increasing your awareness can be scary and uncomfortable.
But, it is also one of the most life changing things you can choose. I’ve found that if you...
What does being successful mean to you?
There’s no right or wrong answer to that; however, you’ve probably noticed success is often equated with money.
Also being envied by others, having some sort of reputation that you have value, wealth, or influence and voila you’re successful!
But, you must decide what kind of life you want to live. Too many people are working jobs they hate or have outgrown.
Giving the illusion that they are living this fabulous life, but miserable behind the scenes. And one thing I know for certain; if you’re not truly inspired by the path you’re on you will stop yourself one way or another.
What if you stop comparing yourself to everyone else’s seemingly amazing life and follow what’s true for your highest life vision?
I know it can feel scary to admit that maybe you’re not happy with how things are going.
Especially if tons of time and money were invested into a certain path.
But it's even more scary to...
Many years ago I had a serious fear of abandonment.
It would often show up as me feeling concerned that people were mad at me, for no particular reason.
Which meant I had done something bad and would result in being left.
And when my mom died it obviously amplified much of those feelings.
I had this deep hurt inside that felt as if I had done something wrong, otherwise: my mom wouldn’t have died.
Not logical at all, but feelings aren’t logical.
The anxiety around others I cared about suddenly leaving me started to show up as an energy of chasing, insecurity, and distraction.
I mostly experienced this in friendships.
But, I know countless people, mostly women, who sit by the phone obsessing over a love interest calling or texting them.
You could read about attachment styles, rehash years or lifetimes of trauma but thankfully none of that is really necessary.
The crux of it is that if you are chasing people, wondering if they like you, anxiously awaiting their...
I want to take a look at a common pattern but from a different perspective.
Fighting for your stories.
You know the ones.
The negative, terrible, everything is against you type of stories.
The ones that we all tell sometimes, because they just seem SO TRUE and based on facts.
You know, our brains actually have a mechanism that will seek to prove us right, whether good or bad.
And the truth is, you are right about whatever you believe.
To you it is absolutely true.
But, do you want to keep experiencing negative or scary stories and create more to match that?
You might say of course you want to think more positively.
But what I have found is that you may not actually want to change it.
Because you’re looking for someone to witness your pain and suffering.
To tell you that you’re justified in feeling how you do, that of course you were wronged.
Or, to allow another human to witness your story and confirm that your feelings matter.
Which they absolutely...
When creating do you wonder if other people will like it?
Sure you do!
Of course you want people to like your post, video, or even a nice meal you’ve made.
But, have you noticed how stressful that can be to always try to do everything to please others?
What if you started creating things from the vantage point of what lights you up?!
What exactly do I mean by that?
Create things that are interesting and inspiring to you.
When you do it that way you will find it much easier to create and others will be magnetized to your excitement.
Too many people are focused and pushing the method of trying to figure out what everyone else wants.
But there’s no way really to know what others want all the time.
And where are you in the equation?
Do you really want to sit around making content, or anything that isn’t firstly pleasing to you?
I certainly don’t!
Also, others can sense when you aren’t really into something and it is generally a...
It’s so easy to be busy these days.
But, do you really need to be that busy?
In a world where hustle, pushing and striving are touted as the key to success, you may think so. However, your body may have a different point of view. And it may be giving you messages asking you to slow down.
If you are feeling burnt out, having sleep issues, aches, pains, or anxiety.
Your body is giving you some clear messages that something needs to change.
Being chronically busy is a problem that I see many people experiencing.
But, very few actually want to admit it.
Which makes sense considering the busyness is a protective mechanism used to avoid uncomfortable things.
Yes, we are all busy at times.
However: needing to fill your calendar to the brim and patterns of overworking and even excessive socializing are a sign that something is off.
“Feeling the need to be busy all the time is a trauma-based response and fear-based distraction from what you’d be forced...
Do you get distracted easily?
I used to be easily distracted and I would chronically multitask.
There’s nothing wrong with that. I just began to notice that there was never a shortage of someone or something ready to take my attention away from things that truly mattered to me.
I wasted years of my life doing what others wanted and adding great value and support to their world. I’m not blaming them, I simply didn’t know.
I did often feel drained, lost and like my purpose was to be others' side-kick in making their life more enjoyable and successful.
It was tricky because I truly enjoyed helping people and didn’t want to stop altogether.
But, somehow my needs and goals got pushed to the side and my investment of energy, kindness and time were very out of balance.
Even things that are important to you need to be balanced. And if you don’t value your time nobody else will.
From constant phone notifications, errands to run, traffic, and...
I’m sure you’ve heard of procrastination and you’ve probably done it a few times in your life.
But, did you know that procrastination can be related to a trauma response.
Yes, trauma again, everyone has trauma to varying degrees, it’s just now getting more attention.
Rather than feeling hopeless that everything is a trauma.
Realize that awareness is a power you can utilize to absolutely change your life and habitual patterns, no matter the circumstances.
So, back to procrastination.
There are times you just don’t want to do something and so you put it off.
That's not what I’m talking about here.
I’m talking about chronic situations of things that truly need to be done but you’re allowing them to pile up. It could be work tasks, errands, cleaning or anything really.
Times where you find yourself feeling unable to do the thing.
You may suddenly get very tired and need a nap, feel the urge to call anyone as an excuse to avoid the...
Have you ever had one of those days where you just felt weird?
Not necessarily bad, but definitely not good either.
Recently I was having one of those days where I felt caught in a time-warp and everything felt disconnected and like I was walking through one portal after another.
Sounds fun, but can be exhausting!
I have had this happen before, but on this particular day I realized I was aware of multiple things that were slightly new to me.
My own energy, past experiences coming up to release and pre-processing some clearings coming up in the next few days.
If you’ve done any sort of energy work, bodywork, could even be surgeries etc. you may have experienced pre -processing.
The way I would describe it is like feeling spacey and slightly agitated, but nothing in particular has happened to cause it.
You’ve had enough food, rest, and everything is pretty relaxed but there’s a low level of uneasiness in your awareness.
Noticing time passing by faster, or...
When was the last time you stopped to check in with your body?
How have you been feeling lately?
Do you have a few aches and pains, maybe a chronic condition that you’ve been coping with, or perhaps you feel better than ever!
Whatever the answer is, make note of it.
And, if you felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to check in, make note of that too!
Our bodies give us feedback about so many things that it can be easy to miss.
But, if you take a moment to slow down each day, or a few times a day, you will become aware of sensations and how they are connected to your thoughts.
Just as your hand lets you know if something you’re touching is too hot or cold. Your body as a whole sends signals in various ways to let you know when you’re out of alignment.
That could be physical, emotional, or mental.
Now, I’m not suggesting you hyperfocus on bodily sensations, but knowing the signs that you’re hitting a limit can spare you tons of unnecessary...
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