Stuckness-What’s the value?

Jul 25, 2024

Are you feeling stuck?

Frustrated because you’ve been doing all the things to change, but it all just seems to NOT be working?

Well, guess what… you might be full of sh*t! 

If you didn't like that comment, you should absolutely keep reading!

What I know about you is that you are a Powerful infinite being that always gets what you really choose!

So if you don’t have something you say you want, then you really aren’t choosing it.

You can be appalled by my words and get defensive. Or you can get vulnerable and really be open to what I am saying here. 

So, is your current story that you can’t have what you really want, it's so hard?!

Or you can have ease, but not with this specific thing you’ve made a big deal?

Be honest, what are your dominant thoughts in regards to this “stuck area” in your life?

That’s your story.

And if you don’t like it, you can change it to a new story. 

Do you want to change it?...

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Energy of Trauma

Jul 18, 2024

Have you ever gone through something that changes how you see yourself and the world?

It could change your outlook in a good way, but what about those times you question everything you thought was true?

You used to feel inspired, hopeful, and optimistic.

Then one day, sometimes in an instant, you wonder what’s the point of it all? And think that it's all a crock of sh*t!

It is often called an Existential Crisis, but I want to address the way I see it energetically.

What’s really going on during these times of seeming disconnection?

I’ve noticed that disappointment is one of the most common precursors to this limbo state.

It could be you’ve experienced repeated little disappointments over time, or a sudden big and shocking let down that instantly leaves you in disbelief.

When I look at someone experiencing the symptoms I described above, there’s almost always a shade of bluish gray energy that seems to not be moving. This is depicting frozen moments in...

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Generosity, Don’t Forget You ;-)

Jul 11, 2024

Being generous is a very beautiful thing.

But, do you remember to be generous with yourself? Really stop to think about that question.

You are probably kind to others, generous with your time and see the best in them.

But, can you say that you are that kind to yourself?

I pride myself on taking care of my mind and body.

I have gone to great lengths for years to practice what I preach and make my needs top priority so that I can maintain my mental and physical well being.

Now with that being said, I noticed a few weeks ago that I was feeling a bit off. Grouchy, resentful and drained.

Thankfully I quickly knew why I was feeling this way and began to clear my beliefs around disappointing others and over giving. 

Something that was a yes a few months ago suddenly felt heavy and wasn’t ok for me anymore.

At first I felt angry that this person kept asking more and more of me and was regularly testing boundaries.

As a kid I got the message that others' needs were more...

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Freedom from Negative Thoughts

Jul 04, 2024

Being in a crappy thought loop is never fun.

It can feel like you’re being attacked by your own thoughts.

You suddenly can’t stop thinking these terrible thoughts, and the more you push against them the worse they get. 

So why does this happen?

The old saying “what you resist persists” comes to mind.

You have decided, perhaps in an instant, that whatever you were thinking is bad and you need to banish it quickly!

Judgment is at the root of probably all suffering.

You’ve been triggered and now you find yourself judging your thoughts as negative, bad, and scary.

Truth is, nothing has any meaning except what you assign it to mean.

So, if you have decided it is a bad, wrong, terrible thought, you’ve set yourself up for a battle.

If you drop the judgment and start to identify certain thoughts as simply unwanted, you’ll release them so much faster.

Some people teach that you must be positive all the time and think super happy thoughts...

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Body, Friend or Foe?

Jun 27, 2024

The human body has always fascinated me. I spent most of my teenage years devouring any information I could find about bodies and how they operate.

I loved reading magazine articles with tips to resolve common ailments and sharing them with my friends and family. 

Eventually I realized that so many, if not all of our physical ailments are created by trauma, beliefs, and ancestral patterns. 

I know trauma is a big word, but after years of studying, coaching/healing myself and others, it really is an obvious issue that needs to be addressed.

In order to begin releasing something you must first acknowledge that it even exists.

I know some people love to bury their head in the sand and swear that by avoiding something it makes it go away. I personally have NOT found that to be true. If that really works for you, have at it!

But, if you’d like to have more ease with your physical body and learn some things that have worked for me, keep reading

A great place to start is...

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Why you feel unfulfilled

Jun 20, 2024

There’s this pervasive lie that your life should be on a strict timetable. 

That you should have specific experiences regarding success, love, money, and education.

Or even starting a family according to someone else’s desires and rules.

If you don’t do these things it supposedly means you’ve failed and you’ll be judged and pitied by others. Because you are behind in life and somehow flawed.

None of that feels good and that’s because it isn’t true! 

Everyone is programmed and told what to think, feel, and do through words and energy in childhood. Also through cellular memory from our ancestors. 

Our loved ones are mostly teaching us what they know and many restrictive beliefs are passed down unknowingly under the guise that they will be best for us to believe in the long run.

So you do all the things you were taught would bring all the success, money, love, and contentment.

But, why do you feel so unfulfilled? 


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Relax and Receive

Jun 13, 2024

You’ve probably heard the saying that “what you resist persists.”

But have you really thought about what that means or how resistance could be showing up in your daily life?

I also like to think of it as the watched pot never boils.

Well yes, because you are observing it not boiling and waiting for it to boil.

Which keeps you stuck in the current waiting.

You must take your attention off of the things you want and don’t currently have, in order to disentangle from the state of lack/wanting and trying to get. 

Shift into the focus and feeling that it's’ mine, I’m having that!

Not, oh I want that thing, oh boo I don’t have it, now I’m sad and I’ll just sit here slumped thinking about others that have what I want. 

Or, going in the other direction, super determined to get it no matter what!

But, you’re actually trying to get it the hard way.

Work more, convince others to give it to you etc. 


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Manifesting Beyond Limitations

Jun 06, 2024

Recently I was having a conversation with someone who was worried that an important package was lost or wouldn't get to its destination on time.

They were visibly stressed and I could tell that they had decided that it was out of their control.

The post office may or may not figure it out, but it was left up to chance at this point.

I suggested that this person imagine that instead of them being told that their package was delayed, see or hear that the package has already quickly and easily arrived at its destination.

They looked back at me perplexed as they were still trying to figure out how.

I reminded them that how it will happen is NOT their job and just decide that it is done!

It is already figured out and embody the feeling of relief that the mail is already delivered.

Within 45 min they emailed me to say how blown away they were that the post office had in fact reached out shortly after our call to say the mail was found and would be delivered on time! 

I hear and...

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It’s ALL about You!

May 23, 2024

Have you ever pondered why you have such a great dynamic with one person and are terribly annoyed with another? 

The answer is simple.

Your dominant stories about people are different.

Those you have happy fun positive thoughts and expectations about will predominantly play that role in your world.

While those you think are mean, annoying, flaky etc. will keep showing up that way. 

Nope, not because that’s just who they are but because you can only see and call forth the version of them you keep expecting, mostly subconsciously.

Now, I’m not saying it's always easy to see someone in a different light, especially if you’ve got plenty of proof that they are just the flaky jerk type person.

But, if you really want a better relationship with anyone, you must see them differently than you have been.

Side Note: This takes some work and you may choose that you don’t want to put in the effort. That is ok too. You get to choose who is in your life.


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What should you care about?

May 16, 2024

Do you ever wonder what to care about?

I love to say I don’t give a f*ck!

Jokingly and not so jokingly….

And zero f*cks given is a great idea but I actually want to care about things.

Don’t you?

Not caring or acting like you don’t care can be a protective mechanism.

Which is fine and understandable.

Maybe you’re worried that if you care too much you can be hurt or disappointed.

Perhaps you have past examples where you had your hopes up and suddenly it all went side-ways. So it’s just easier and safer to play it cool and detached.

But that’s no way to really live. Giving no F’s and being defensive.

We are meant to feel inspired and excited about things. And continuing to have your guard up and give attention to the “wrong things” will only bring you more of the same.

There’s a huge misconception that I see a lot of people subscribing to, mostly without ever questioning it.

The idea that you must tolerate and...

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