Noticing Beauty in Nature

Sep 27, 2022

This time of year is my absolute favorite! I’m not always great at taking the time to soak up all that nature has to offer, but this time of year I can’t help but stop and take notice!

There is something extra special about the month of September. No matter where I’ve lived, the sunsets during this month are dazzling!

It's sort of like the beauty reflected back is saying that all is well and remember to relax and take it all in. 

People tend to love particular types of weather and landscapes and dislike others.

But, what if you took a moment to see and experience the beauty that each part of the planet and each season has to offer?

For example, many don’t like snow, so they decide if it's snowing or there is snow on the ground they are going to have a bad day, or at least be annoyed until it melts.

Some like dry climates and scenes, others prefer lush tropical surroundings.

None of these things are better than the other but believing so can block...

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The Business of Fun!

Sep 20, 2022

When was the last time you had fun while working?

Whether you own your own business or work for someone else; fun is something that is way too often missing.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Let’s talk about some ways you can add fun to your work, even if that currently sounds crazy and impossible.


The first thing is to realize that so many people have been complaining about work for so long, it's almost expected that we join in too.

Growing up, I'd hear neighbors chatting it up about how they hated their jobs. Boss was a jerk, pay was awful, and it was just something that everyone had to do, a part of life.

Every job I ever had, people were complaining and often completely baffled when I wasn’t adding to their conversations. Sometimes it ticked people off! They wanted to know what I was so happy about and how dare I find something about our miserable employer to appreciate.

I never let that get to me much; I just kept doing things to keep myself in an...

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Trust and Receive

Sep 13, 2022

Trusting yourself is one of the most important things you can do, if not the most important.

Do you trust and believe that the things you desire in your life are possible?

Or do you make yourself wrong for wanting them and second guess yourself every chance you get?

If you spend much of your time asking the “Universe” for things that seem to never show up, you’re likely caught up in not trusting.

Usually you desire something, get super excited, then for various reasons you don’t trust and believe that you can have them.

That quickly stops those things from showing up, which can easily lead into a loop of not trusting yourself, because it didn’t work before, why would it work now?


Trusting yourself takes practice.

Many of us were taught to seek answers outside ourselves and try to fit into what others wanted us to be.

Making yourself wrong for thinking outside the box, and asking for more than those around you had ever dared to ask. Those...

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Magic of Change

Aug 30, 2022

How do you feel when things are changing in your life?

Do you feel uncomfortable, worried, out of control?

Yes, I realize there are all sorts of changes we experience in our lives that are exciting and desired. But, often change can feel very unnerving to go through.



So what if you started to look at all the possibilities during these times of change, rather than focus on what could go wrong?

There’s an old quote that states, “Sometimes when things are falling apart they may be falling into place.”

Now I know that reading things like that can be annoying when you’re in the middle of a big life change and unsure how it will impact you.

But, take a moment and think back to other times when you were scared and thought maybe a life situation you were going through was the worst thing ever to happen. Then you realize it turned out better than you had ever imagined.

Sometimes you will become really uncomfortable before getting to the point...

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It's Time to Dance!

Aug 16, 2022

A few years ago I started going to a hip hop dance class, and I loved it!

I’ve loved dancing since I was very young but had never taken any classes.

At first, I was a bit uncomfortable with all the counting and following along; although I’m very good at freestyle dancing. It was pretty awkward and confusing at first watching the teacher in the mirror!

But I hung in there the best I could :-)

It was an excellent class and a great way to get out of my comfort zone for sure.

I noticed that the nicer and easier I was with myself the quicker I was able to pick up the steps.

Sure, I’d catch myself here and there getting frustrated that I’d missed a move, but I quickly reminded myself to have fun! I mean that was the point of taking the class, to have fun!

I’m active with resistance training 3-4 times a week, but I wanted to add some upbeat fun cardio to the mix.

You’re not going to find me on the treadmill!!

Besides being super fun, dancing...

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Remember what You want

Aug 09, 2022

The past few weeks I’ve noticed many people starting to fall back into old habits.

It's normal to take a few steps back once you’ve begun to move forward and make real progress, but it's super important to get back on track asap!

It's not that people wake up one day and decide 'oh, I’m just done with all these new positive habits I’ve created.'

Nope, it’s the little choices each day that you make to let yourself complain with a few friends, miss a workout or two, skip your journaling, or other helpful habits you have.

Letting things slide a bit is exactly how you find yourself right back where you don’t want to be.

I know many people felt the past few weeks or years were stressful and that they had every right to be angry, scared and upset.

Sure, you have the right to feel however you feel. But, does talking about how bad everything currently is, help you to feel better in any way?

I didn’t think so.

You may argue...

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Be the One Who Smiles.

Aug 02, 2022

A few years ago I was spending time with a friend, and he mentioned he was becoming aware of some things as he was getting older.

He feels like everything becomes harder and more is expected of him; things just aren’t fun anymore.

I explained that he’s just very aware of the general way of how things go for most people and what they expect, but that he can choose to do things differently.

As we went about our day, I noticed that he would often smile and say hi to many people, so much so that I thought he knew most of them. Many of them smiled back, but most acted like they didn’t see him.

Towards the end of the night his face lit up, and he said hi to this lady, and she just walked on.

I asked him if he knew her, he said, nope I know very few of the people I say, "hello" too. I just told myself when I was little that I was going to smile. I see so many miserable looking people, and I don’t want to be like that!


What he said was so beautiful and...

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It's All Too Easy!

Jul 26, 2022

Recently I noticed as I looked around, so many books, posts, and videos focused on problems.

It’s common to overhear conversations and listen to others tell me how hard things are, like it's a badge of honor to do things the hardest way possible.

I usually look at them a little perplexed and ask them if they even noticed how many times they said things were hard in the last 10 minutes of us chatting.

Sometimes they are surprised and say that they don’t want things to be hard anymore.

When I suggest that they can change, things could be easier. Other people look at me like I’m crazy, and say, but it is hard, that’s just how life is.

But, what if it doesn't have to be that way?

There’s a big misconception that life is hard and that to actually achieve anything you need to go through some struggling, suffering, and hardships.

The more challenging the obstacles you overcome, the better.

Heck, look at all the singing and dancing shows on tv, they all...

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Uncomfortable Yet?

Jul 19, 2022

For most people comfort is the ultimate goal in life.

We usually stick to people and situations that are safe and predictable. And if we do happen to do something out of our comfort zones it is often because we are forced to.

Most of us don’t volunteer to give public speeches, really anything that puts us in the spotlight, and how often have you finished a workout thinking that it was so uncomfortable and you never wanted to work out again?! LOL!

Throughout most of my life, I was on a quest to find safety and comfort.

I was so serious about being comfortable at all times, because I was so UNcomfortable. I began to isolate myself to the extreme!

To say I became a little bit of a control freak is an understatement. At the time I didn’t realize that I was super aware of others thoughts, feelings, and energies.

I just knew that I felt overloaded regularly and believed if I could just control everything; that would mean finding that ultimate comfort I was seeking.


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I Had No Idea!

Jul 12, 2022

Are you only capable of doing what others expect from you and nothing more? Right now I’m at a place in my life where I’m allowing myself to express different aspects of who I am.

Most people that know me, or who have spoken to me for a moment would likely say I’m already very expressive.

Yes, I am; however, there’s much more to me than meets the eye!

I’ll be the first one to say that although I’m very bold, it can be uncomfortable to step out and show people other sides of myself.

Others tend to know us in a certain way and whether they mean to or not, put us into a little box.

So when we show them other skills, talents, or interests, it can rattle and trigger people a bit.

Nothing wrong with that, just good to know that may happen.

It doesn't matter what you choose to do; people will have an opinion (I encourage you to assume they are excited for you) when you finally decide to share your dreams with the world.

Please don’t let...

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