Let Love In

Feb 14, 2023

It’s the week of Valentine's Day and whether you love it or hate it; this time of year can certainly bring up some old memories.

I’m not saying that all relationship memories are unpleasant, but let’s be real. You’ve probably been disappointed in this area before perhaps even a few times…


Now is an excellent time to let go of old love junk finally!

Walking through stores and seeing walls of stuffed animals, chocolate hearts and flowers can be very triggering for some. Just hearing or seeing the word love can spin some people into a downward spiral.

But, being triggered is a great thing. It means you have some current stuff that is super ready to shift out of your reality!

First, notice what’s triggering you.

What are the memories that are coming to mind and where do you feel the tension in your body associated with them?

Perhaps you’re comparing yourself to others. Things like; they have a relationship, I don’t.

Or you...

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Love Your-self First

Feb 07, 2023

Happy February!! The month of all things love and romance!

Everyone loves the feeling of being in love, the fresh energy, and excitement, the hope, and possibilities that perhaps this is finally the person you’ve been looking for your entire life.

But, have you ever wondered if you’re able to Love yourself the way you expected a person to Love you, or how you think you love them?

We often focus on something being wrong with us and that if we can just find that right person to complete us and Love us, then we won’t be broken or wrong anymore.

Not to say that you need to love yourself 100% perfectly all of the time, but there is a certain level of self-love and appreciation required for a healthy, happy, balanced relationship to exist.

How many of you have found yourselves in situations with people wondering how you allowed that to happen and if you only had more confidence and self-worth there’s no way you’d let someone treat you that way?

I know...

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Bringing in the New!

Jan 31, 2023

Ok now that your home is completely empty except for a chair, one outfit and your bed...just kidding LOL!

But seriously, I hope you’ve had fun letting go of some things that were taking up space that you really didn’t like or need. And if you are still in the process of clearing clutter, that’s wonderful too!

I felt it was important to mention that you don’t need to fill up every empty space in your home. Or, to even replace all the things you got rid of with new things, even if you love them.

Yes, surround yourself with things you love, but not necessarily that you gave away 5 shirts you hated now you must buy 5 shirts you love.

Our space can get cluttered with things we love too!

We are really just going for balance. Energy moves much smoother when there isn’t so much stuff. And we all want things to move easier and more smoothly in our lives, right?

So how our home looks and feels is symbolic of our life.

Cleaner open space equates to more...

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Clear Clutter The Easy Way

Jan 24, 2023


In my last blog, I mentioned how to identify your clutter and some reasons why you may avoid letting it go.

Now I’d like to go a little deeper into some tips that I have personally used for years to bust through the clutter and keep the vibes of my space fresh and bright!

Again I’m not suggesting you get rid of all your belongings or that you have to clutter clear at all. I’m just offering information.

I’ve seen the positive impact that clearing clutter has had on my life and the lives of my clients. So I hope that you will at least give these tips a try for yourself.

1. Notice where you have multiples

If you have 6 Large cooking spoons, 3 or 4 sets of china and drinking glasses. Do you really need all of that? Especially if you are living in a space that really doesn’t have room for all of that. It doesn’t have to be cookware. It could be books, clothes, anything. Notice if it's excessive and if you really (need) it. 

(Insight) This...

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I see Clutter

Jan 17, 2023

What do you do with all the stuff you don’t want to acknowledge?

Well, you throw it into a closet, drawer or some storage compartment of course!

I’m joking, but that’s exactly what many of us do. All of our belongings are a reflection of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. And symbolic of parts of us that we dislike, are ashamed of and all the repressed feelings in our subconscious.

I’ve noticed in all the clutter clearing books and courses I’ve seen. They all like to tell you to get rid of clutter and their tips on doing so, but I’ve personally never seen anyone address the reasons you have the clutter in the first place.

Me telling you that you have too much stuff is pointing out the obvious.

Wouldn’t you like to know how to more easily let go of the clutter? Instead of just being told how to separate it into boxes and organizing tips.

Because the thing is, if you don’t address the reasons why you haven’t been willing to...

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"What the hell Happened?!"

Jan 11, 2023

You’ve been watching your thoughts, writing things you appreciate, eating nutrient dense foods, and adding more physical activity.

Things were going great, you felt better than you ever had, and you could feel the positive momentum flowing.

Then you suddenly noticed it seemed like all the good stuff stopped!

If you take a closer look you’ll see you most likely stopped writing things you appreciated, started complaining about things a bit more, and maybe you skipped a few days or weeks of exercise.

It's not always noticeable when you start getting off track; usually, it happens in small increments.


See, most people want the change and all the “good stuff” that comes from changing, but without actually changing anything they are doing.

They want someone to show up, with a magic wand and make it so they can have everything they want immediately.

Reminder… You can’t keep doing the same things and get different results. No matter how...

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Stand Tall

Jan 03, 2023

This week I want to talk about posture and how it has such an enormous impact on how we feel.

Most of you have heard adults; usually, a parent, say: "Stand up straight, stop slouching, it looks horrible."

But it's not just that slouching looks bad, it has huge adverse effects on our mental and physical health as well.


For example; If you ever pay attention to actors, you will see that they must change their posture and mannerisms to get into character. The confident characters always stand tall and usually shoulders squared off, those characters being bullied or lacking confidence will be depicted slouched, chest sunk in.

Many scientific studies are proving that just holding certain body positions for a short while will produce chemical reactions in our bodies that contribute to feeling more optimistic/confident or depressed/ hopeless amongst many other emotions.

Now you’d probably think, oh ok, I will just stand up straighter.

That's an excellent idea, but what I find...

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A Fresh Start

Dec 27, 2022

It's that time of year again when people start thinking about the changes they want or need to make in their lives.

The infamous "New Year's Resolutions" most often include losing weight, sticking to an exercise plan, quitting smoking, spending less money, making family time a priority, etc.

These are all great ideas, but I always wondered why we had to make these choices one day a year and then when we most likely failed at keeping the resolutions we just labeled ourselves failures and then waited until January 1st of the following year to try again.

A pretty dumb idea if you ask me...


I'm a big believer in making daily choices, better yet, moment by moment choices.

One of the ways I was able to lose so much weight and keep it off was by avoiding the common thoughts like Oh I'll start on Monday.

So if I missed a workout or ate something that wasn't in my plan I would simply get back on track at the next meal or start my workout the next day.

If I made an excuse or...

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Ready for the New

Dec 20, 2022

Do you have anything new planned? Is there anything coming up in your life that you’re excited about or looking forward to?

If not, let's change that now! My dad always tells me that we have to have something to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, just that you’re looking forward to it.

It’s that fun feeling that you get when you are waiting for a package to come in the mail!

But you don’t need to actually have a package on the way in order to feel that excited feeling.

You can generate that sensation by imagining. Imagining creates that excited state immediately within you! Without anything outside you needing to change. Yes, you are that POWERFUL!

So, the new year is about to begin and this is a time that many people will get super excited about setting and accomplishing new goals!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that you and most other people don’t stay excited or motivated for very long.

One reason for this is that...

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Time to Rest

Dec 13, 2022

This time of the year many people feel they require more sleep.

Our sleep/wake cycles are regulated by light, so it makes perfect sense that if we have less light each day, we feel sleepier.

I won't go into ALL of that, but feel free to do your research if you like… I do want to mention how many of us don’t honor our bodies signals for more rest and push ourselves to do even more.


Your body is not trying to trick you. If you feel tired and sleepy, you simply need more rest.

Your body is not some annoying enemy always getting in your way with all its wants and requirements.

It's funny that we naturally require more rest and quiet time during the holiday season!

How can you possibly give yourself more sleep when you have all these parties, meetings, lines to wait in to buy gifts, heck you can barely find time to feed yourself in a day let alone take a nap.

When you stop, listen to your true needs and honor them, life gets so much easier.

I know we have all...

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