What to Do When Negative Thoughts Strike

Unwanted thoughts happen.

Everyone has experienced unwanted or “negative” thoughts.

I prefer to call them unwanted to take the charge out of it.

If you look at something as negative that immediately puts up resistance and uses a lot of energy and focus to push against it. 

Instead, you can look at it as though there are infinite possibilities, realities, and thoughts available at any moment.

Because there are.

You are actually picking up on others' thoughts, feelings, and other energies all the time to varying degrees.

Thankfully there’s nothing you actually need to do with all of this information, most of the time.

Start practicing just letting those thoughts float through you or past you.

If you have a scary thought and tense up, take a deep breath and think, oh I’m so glad that’s not gonna happen, or that’s an interesting thought... and shake it off.

Stop the habit of trying to figure it out.

What does it mean, is everything ok? Oh no, I knew something bad was going to happen.

NO! Stop that now.

You are creating your own reality and you get to be more selective of what you give more attention to.

I know it can feel tough at times.

Like your thoughts are attacking you and you can’t fight them off.

But, if you just start relaxing about them more and seeing them as just thoughts and that you are the one that assigns them meaning and power. You will be able to more easily let them go and refocus on things that actually feel good. 

Ok so what if you have a fear or aversion to feeling good?

Yes, this is a common fear.

You may feel guilty, on edge and on guard for something bad to happen so feeling good becomes a bad thing.

Well, you start telling yourself that it is safe for you to feel good or that you are feeling safer each moment, each day.

Whatever verbiage feels right for you.

Too simple?

Again, it's the repetitive thoughts that got you to this “unwanted” space so doesn’t it make logical sense to just start telling yourself different things?

Yeah I know, the old fear based thoughts feel so real!

But, what if you just start adding a few more empowering thoughts to your daily inner conversations?

You don’t have to be perfect just start sprinkling in the good thoughts!

Lots of love,




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