Are you in The Hermit Phase?

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2023

Have you noticed you don’t enjoy being around people as much as you used to?

I’ve had numerous clients come to me recently feeling that way.

They were judging themselves and thinking they should want to be more sociable and basically do the exact same things that they always have.

You might be concerned that something is wrong with you too.

Rest assured there’s nothing wrong with you!

We all need time alone to reboot periodically.

But, what if this feeling of wanting to be alone has been going on for an extended time frame? Maybe you’re naturally more of an introvert or….

You could be in The Hermit Phase.

The Hermit phase is where you go more inward to reflect and get in touch with who you are but more importantly who you want to be now.

This phase can happen at any time in your life and usually happens more than once.

Old versions of you, people and things are falling away….let them.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re completely done with certain people or things.

But, you are changing and how you interact with the world is adjusting.

This is NOT the time to force yourself to be around people or judge yourself for stopping the chronic DOING behavior. 

You might feel lost, bored, or like a floaty weird alien…maybe that’s just me LOL!

Feeling strange or out of sorts in this phase is totally normal.

You’re in the void, no longer the old version of self but not quite sure who you’re becoming.

This is part of the journey; you’re not off track. 

As someone with a lifelong tendency towards hermitting I’d like to give you some tips and insights that I have gained from my own journey and having the pleasure of helping many others on theirs.

Hopefully they help you embrace and enjoy this stage more fully.

Good things about being in the hermit phase:

*More time to do things you enjoy

*Time and energy to finish up old projects

*Quiet and relaxation

*Increased trust in Self

Possible Challenges about being in the hermit phase:

*Feeling alone

*Avoiding the spaciousness

*Afraid you’ll be in this phase forever

*Thinking you should be feeling differently or doing more

Hermits place a higher value on their time and energy.

Being in this phase allows you to reassess what is important to you.

What if you start looking at this as a gift that you’ve given to yourself?

The time and space to just BE.

Sure, you may have a family or a job that requires you to interact with people a lot.

But you can still make space for yourself as you nurture parts of you that have likely been pushed aside for a very long time. 

“But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything.”-Alan Watts

Enjoy your week! And remember that you are in exactly the right place and everything is working out for you.



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