Prioritizing Your Health and Body

advice body health ptsd trauma Feb 06, 2024

Recently I had a conversation with a longtime friend about bodies and how health issues show up if we don’t deal with trauma.

She mentioned that our body will start showing trauma via chronic aches and pains or diseases, disorders especially as we get “older”

Everyone has trauma to some degree and it won’t show up in the same way or intensity for everyone.

But I believe it is one component that contributes to aging.

Do some people watching and you may notice how many people move around hunched over, even before being on cell phones all day.

If you don’t release experiences from your body and mind they build up in your body and you can see it weighing you down. 

It’s nobody’s fault, most of us just weren’t taught how to release those energies.

And trauma very often activates the survival mechanism to freeze and avoid what has happened to cause the mental/ physical discomfort. 

Thankfully you don’t have to relive or re-traumatize yourself in order to heal.

It can seem scary at first to recognize things you’ve carried around for many years and never want to think about. But, honestly you’re probably re-traumatizing yourself without even realizing it. 

This can show up in numerous ways. Negative self talk, attracting unhealthy relationships, chronic money issues, neglecting health,

Because you think that’s just who you are. The traumatized person.

The one who always picks the wrong love partners, sucks with money and you’re just chronically ill.

You don’t question it, you think from that state of being like it is normal. “Normal’  does NOT mean healthy! 

Growing up my dad would often say “It’s amazing what you can get used to.”

He was referring to wild and chaotic stories he heard from others.

But, he’s right.

And the great news is you can get used to feeling AMAZING and having a wonderful life full of health and nourishing relationships.

If you’d like help releasing all sorts of traumas, you can check out my trauma release audio healing.

It can help you gently unpack any old patterns and help you feel more confident and safe in your body and life.

I was inspired to make this after many years of healing my own traumas and helping thousands of others over the last 10 years.

Guiding you back to your own power and helping you feel safe in your body is very dear to my heart. 

If you have been diagnosed with ptsd or feel you need one-on-one help you can book a session with me.

Or find a therapist that you trust. Please let me know if you have any questions and have a beautiful week!


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