Spring Has Sprung

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2024

What energies can you receive from the season of Spring?

It may be your favorite time of year, or not so much.

Maybe you associate it with allergies, watery eyes , and runny noses. Or cute lil birds singing and beautiful flowers in bloom.

Beyond your personal experiences and preferences for weather.

Each season brings amazing gifts for our mind and body,

if only we are willing to receive. Springtime is about rebirth, newness, and a reawakening zest for life.

The transformation from the stillness and introversion of winter to warmth, sunshine, and nature waking up!

The extra sunlight, fragrant flowers and birdsongs naturally raise your dopamine levels causing you to feel more motivated and excited.

This is a perfect time to use those energies to your benefit.

Take a look at some of your goals and see which ones really inspire you now.

And if there are some you want to let go of. 

Here are some things you can do to get the most out of Springtime energies:

  1. Clear clutter- Yep, there’s a reason it's called spring cleaning. Let go of old energy and things with bad memories attached. Sweep, mop and let the sun shine in!
  2. Stretch & Move- Open the energy channels in the body by incorporating gentle stretching each day. Even if you’re already active, try a different activity to release any stagnation.
  3. Thank your Liver- Place your hands on the right side of your body under the ribs. Breathe and send love and appreciation to your liver as you allow it to release heavy or stuck energy. 
  4. Talk to Flowers- Because it’s fun and they might talk back :-)  I do say hi and wave to them. You certainly don’t have to, but you’re missing out LOL!

Most of all just have fun!

Embrace the light expansiveness in the air this time of year.

Soak up the magical sunshine and enjoy being alive!


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