Pay It Forward

May 03, 2023

In last week's blog I mentioned taking a look at ways you can appreciate yourself.

So now that you've done that, and even if you haven't, let's look at ways we can spread the appreciation and gratitude to those around us.

  • Donating tangible objects,
  • our time/expertise and
  • simply sending kind thoughts towards someone

are all fantastic ways to pay it forward.

Look around your home or office.

Do you notice some things that you're done with?

Perhaps you loved them at one time but they just aren't a reflection of what you want around your space any longer.

Do you realize that even if you are done with the painting, book, clothing item, etc; that it could be exactly what someone else is dreaming of having?!

Be honest with yourself and let go of items that you never use or feel obligated to keep because someone gave it to you, or you spent a lot of money on it.

Allow someone else to truly enjoy the item instead. When you release them it opens space for things you love even...

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Self-talk, How's yours ?

Apr 26, 2023

How do you feel when given a compliment?

Do you receive it quickly or directly and say "Thank You"?

Or perhaps you deflect it.

Do you then feel obligated to compliment them back or even finding fault with whatever you were complimented?

These are all signs that your self-talk could likely use a bit of adjusting.


Have you ever stopped to take notice of how you’re thinking about yourself?

What you say out loud is essential too, but all those thoughts that float through your head unspoken each day are having a significant impact on your self-image AND your life.

Now there are always exceptions to the rules, but you may have noticed negative things you think about yourself, well, you’d never tolerate another person speaking to you in that manner.

So why do you allow yourself to put you down?

I’m inviting you to let go of all the crappy self-talk you’re involved in each day.

It's certainly your choice, no need to stop tearing yourself down, but if...

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Limits on You

Apr 18, 2023

I know you’ve probably heard it a million times that you are the only one who can stop you.

But how exactly are you stopping you?

Looking back over your life I’m sure you did go through hard times; you didn’t make them up, they happened. And sometimes we feel if certain things hadn’t happened our lives would be entirely different.

It’s funny how that idea could be used against us, by thinking our lives would be SO much better if such and such hadn’t happened.

It just keeps us stuck if we look at things that way.

Let’s take a look at some ways to let these old stories go finally.

I say this from my own life experience and witnessing numerous clients, friends, and family. If you need to feel validated or you’re holding onto resentment from a past unpleasant experience; you are making yourself a victim.

People don’t often like the word "victim, " but it's true.

We sometimes think holding onto anger or pain hurts the other...

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Get Grounded!

Apr 11, 2023

In the wellness and spiritual circles it is very common to hear people telling each other to get grounded. But what exactly does that mean?

I’m sure people will have lots of opinions about the meaning but I will just speak from my knowing and you can use this info however you like ;-) 

To me, grounded means to allow your physical body and energy bodies to be fully connected to the energy of the planet.

I ground myself and all my clients in each session by visualizing etc. But, walking barefoot in the grass or sand is an easy super powerful way to stay grounded and balanced!

It may be too cold outside to do this or you might be afraid of stepping in your neighbors pet droppings :-D In that case you can purchase grounding mats, also called earthing mats. I’ve heard lots of great feedback about the mats.

You can try one out but I’d still suggest allowing your bare feet to make contact on the ground as much as possible.

Our ancestors did this regularly...

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The Worthiness Trap

Apr 04, 2023
Do you feel worthy to have the life you truly desire?

Notice whatever thoughts, feelings or beliefs that question may have brought up for you.

Take a nice deep breath and let all of that gently release.

You can always recreate what you just let go of if you really want to. But for now, I’d like you to open up to look at the idea of worthiness from a different perspective.

Most of us have picked up this idea that we need to be worthy of good things, things we want or we can never actually have them.

One of the main beliefs connected to this is the idea that something is inherently wrong with us. We are somehow flawed, bad or not quite good enough in someone’s opinion.

Many are walking around programmed to think that they have to keep doing more and more to be worthy.

Or to stop doing this or that so that they fit in and are acceptable. That somehow we have to earn this elusive stamp of worth and value.

We aren’t quite sure how to achieve it but we will often...

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Let Your Feelings Flow

Mar 28, 2023

How do you feel about your life right now?

When I ask people that question I’m often met with two different responses.

The first one is full out complaining about everything and everyone in their life.

The second response is forcing a smile and trying to make everything seem great while covering up the truth of how they really feel.

What do these two responses have in common?

They both are focused on making something wrong. Making others wrong for how they are being or not being or making yourself wrong for feeling how you feel.

Looking for things to be wrong keeps you stuck in a loop of judgment.

You don’t create new things by noting everything you dislike.

But it's also not a great idea to bury your head in the sand and pretend you’re happy when you’re not.

The fake it till you make it method can work short term, but in the long run you are likely squishing old anger, pain, and resentful feelings deep down into your physical body.

This can contribute...

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Let's Get Lucky!

Mar 21, 2023

Many years ago, I read an article that really stuck with me.

In the article, the woman was pointing out that since we are making everything up, why not make it good?

I thought the idea was genius and I had truly never thought of it that way. Considering most of us are told to be realistic, whatever the hell that means, this new idea to make things up in a good way blew my mind!

Yes, I had heard and read so much about positive thoughts, but the way this person worded it felt way more empowering and fun than most others I had heard before.

You are much more likely to stick with something if you think it’s enjoyable.

I’m a big believer in making things simple and practical. We are bombarded with so much info each day that I really love anything that is to the point and super effective!

One way you can use this technique is where luck is concerned.

Have you ever noticed someone who always wins? Any games they play, contests they enter, heck they may even have multiple...

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Create Your Own Luck

Mar 14, 2023

One of the biggest addictions in this world is talking about problems.

We search high and low to find answers to those problems. We read spiritual books, try hypnosis, talk to a therapist and a whole slew of other things hoping for a change.

Yet so often underneath it all, we are fiercely fighting for our limitations.

How many of you have had a friend or family member call you and ask for your help only to reject everything you say? Continue to claim they want help, but all they want is to defend their current life situation that they supposedly hate.

It can be awkward to speak up and tell someone when they are going full steam ahead on the bitch train. But you have to let them know that you won’t be participating in conversations that consist of focusing on problems, rather than new possibilities to change.

Yes, they may get angry, blame or accuse you of not being there for them. But, you have to choose what you will focus on and what you want to create in your world....

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Your Pot of Gold

Mar 07, 2023

What’s in your energy field daily?

What kinds of thoughts, feelings, conversations are you entertaining on a regular basis?

Whatever those are, get out a sheet of paper and quickly write down as many things as you can. You want to do this quickly so that you don’t overthink it and start diluting the information.

Now, look at the things you’ve written down.

That’s what’s in your mix, or consciousness most often. Do you like what you see?

Are you surprised, disappointed, excited?

Or perhaps you already had a good idea of what you’d write down?

Either way, it's a great idea to acknowledge your starting point before choosing to create more deliberately. No, judgements, just really taking a good neutral look at what you’ve been doing up until now.

You may have noticed there was a mix of wanted and unwanted things on your list.

Would you like to have more of the things you like?

What about even better than you could imagine to show up...

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Skin Love

Feb 21, 2023

On the journey to a healthier body, I realized many things contributed to achieving my goals.

We always hear about exercising, eating the “proper” foods and we all know those things are important.

But, what most people don’t realize is that if you are significantly overweight, your skin is going to change, and often very drastically! 

I have had numerous people say to me over the years that they want to lose weight and get healthy, but they are terrified of sagging skin.

Unfortunately, the fear of sagging skin has kept many people from following through with their fitness goals.

But I’m going to share some skin tips that I have used myself that have helped me tremendously during my massive weight loss.

Realize that you didn’t gain all the weight overnight, it took time to stretch out the skin, so it may not snap back overnight.

I believe anything is possible so if you want to affirm and embody that your skin does snap back super quickly,...

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