Identifying and stopping self-sabotage

Apr 16, 2024

How do you know if you’re self sabotaging?

Well, if you’re alive you do it, at least some of the time.

There are conscious and unconscious ways that you could be keeping yourself stuck, probably a mixture of both.

Behind the numerous ways this pattern can show up is the goal of preventing hurt.

Common fears like, loss of relationships, health, money, and reputation… all of those things would hurt.

And a part of you has decided it is safer to stay where you are and not risk anything.

You may very well want the thing and put in lots of effort to get it but unconscious parts of you can override your efforts and stop you in your tracks.

You’ve somehow received the message that stepping outside your (comfort zone) is dangerous and your thoughts, at least subconsciously, lean more towards the “negative” .

Instead of being or staying excited you get hit with tons of thoughts about how it can and probably will all go wrong.

That you’re an idiot for...

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Prioritize Your Needs

Apr 09, 2024

Are you feeling exhausted most days?

Frustrated that you never have time for yourself to do things that bring you joy.

Your responsibilities keep piling up and your resentment and overwhelm is growing too..

Thoughts about how it can’t possibly change. “I don’t have more hours in the day and I can’t let people down.”

Continuously beating yourself up, saying that you’ve failed to do it all. “Something must be wrong with you. Look at others, they seem to have it all figured out.

Guess what, nobody has it all figured out.

Sure, some people have more help and have found systems that work for them.

But I can guarantee you that everyone has had times in their lives that they felt overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

So what can you do?......

The first step to changing anything is to first acknowledge that you’d like something different.

Regardless of the topic or area of life.

You suddenly realize in a big or more subtle way...

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Be Unrealistic

Apr 02, 2024

Have you noticed that when people tell you to be realistic what they’re really saying is; don’t get your hopes up or you’ll surely be disappointed.

Getting what you truly want and things turning out well are way too often associated with wishful thinking and being unrealistic.  

Maybe you’ve had well meaning friends or family poop on your parade when you shared a goal or dream.

They pleaded their case and assured you they only wanted what was best for you.

Sharing stories about how they’ve learned to spot when things are too good to be true. 

But, if you believe the truth/fact is unwanted/negative and the preferred or positive is a lie or fantasy that’s what you will create!

If you want differently, you must be willing to think for yourself and possibly appear delusional to others.

One of the greatest gifts my mother gave me was encouraging my imagination.

She’d ask me things and when I’d answer with wild vivid...

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Inner Child Journey

Mar 26, 2024

 Have you ever done an inner child journey?

If you aren’t sure, they are usually structured as a guided meditation that has you use your imagination to tap into aspects of yourself and childhood memories.

The idea is to identify and release traumas, fears and beliefs that are contributing to unwanted life patterns. 

These meditations are wonderful and can be very life changing.

But, I think it's important to notice when our inner child shows up in our daily lives.

This child aspect is full of innocence, wonder, and creativity.

An excitement and curiosity flows through it showing a zest for life and being alive!

But, this inner child has also gone through disappointments, uncertainty, and doesn’t feel safe or good enough sometimes.

We have all been hurt and let down. How we cope with those things is different but there are some similarities.

When you catch yourself feeling super upset over something small, you are likely reacting from that wounded child...

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Spring Has Sprung

Mar 19, 2024

What energies can you receive from the season of Spring?

It may be your favorite time of year, or not so much.

Maybe you associate it with allergies, watery eyes , and runny noses. Or cute lil birds singing and beautiful flowers in bloom.

Beyond your personal experiences and preferences for weather.

Each season brings amazing gifts for our mind and body,

if only we are willing to receive. Springtime is about rebirth, newness, and a reawakening zest for life.

The transformation from the stillness and introversion of winter to warmth, sunshine, and nature waking up!

The extra sunlight, fragrant flowers and birdsongs naturally raise your dopamine levels causing you to feel more motivated and excited.

This is a perfect time to use those energies to your benefit.

Take a look at some of your goals and see which ones really inspire you now.

And if there are some you want to let go of. 

Here are some things you can do to get the most out of Springtime energies:

  1. Clear clutter-...
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The Magic Within

Mar 12, 2024

The other day during a session my client mentioned they are part Irish and that opened up an amazing energy of elves, leprechauns, fairies, and magic!

I’ve seen lots of things over the years, with my physical and energetic eyes.

But, I was blown away at the tingling rushing through my arms when I asked for my client to receive the gifts and magic from her Irish ancestry. 

Although I was activating those energies for my client it awakened things within me too.

Places where I had turned down my gifts and magic.

Ways that I unconsciously try to fit in and not be too bizarre and stand out.

Thoughts like;” Ya know, magic and fairies are great for movies, but don’t be too much of a weirdo and talk about that stuff in real life.” 

Now, if you know me at all you know that I love to go beyond limits.

As a child I was known for saying things like; “don’t tell me what to do or watch me!”

I could always perceive limitations and...

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Practicing Reality Creation

Mar 05, 2024

Do you realize that you are creating everything in your reality?

Did you answer yes?

But, do ya really know it or do you only believe that until something happens that feels outside your control?

Like someone is being mean to you, maybe you think they are just a jerk and that’s their problem.

Guess what, you created that too!

Now before you object and start thinking that sounds like a lot of responsibility to take on, you’ve got to drop all your judgments.

Be gentle with yourself and remember that we aren’t taught that we create reality.

Whatever meaning you assign to each and everything in your life is what makes it true for you.

If you think someone is a jerk and you continue to hold that point of view; they must show up in YOUR WORLD as a jerk.

They can be super nice and lovely in others worlds but they must show up in your reality the way you dominantly assume. 

I could write a few books on the topic and all the nuances, but for now I want you to...

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Joyful Complaining

Feb 27, 2024

What if complaining is a good thing?

Contrary to popular opinion, it is!

Now I’m not saying to start whining to everyone about everything but expressing things you’re unhappy with can be used to create big positive changes!

Now some people just love to complain and they do not actually want things to be different.

I remember years ago being on a cruise where they announced on the speaker system that they had intentionally set up things for people to complain about because it brought them so much joy.

I thought that was hilarious and had never thought of it that way.

But, I’m talking about the things you really want to shift and upgrade for a happier life. 

What I’m suggesting isn’t exactly venting, but allowing yourself to vent can sometimes shift you into awareness and demand for change.

As you vent there’s usually an energy of just expressing things with no purpose but to just off-load the energy.

But, what if you start looking at...

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Problems- Addiction to Stress and Anxiety

Feb 20, 2024

Do you think it's normal to be stressed out?

Maybe you think it’s even a sign that you’re doing things right.

Ya know, the belief that those who hustle and grind will be successful.

That if you keep pushing even if you feel sick and anxious it will all work out.

Guess what, it doesn’t work in the long run.

Sure, you might be able to maintain that pace for a while, even many years.

But, it's no way to truly live and enjoy life and it will eventually create issues that manifest as physical and mental struggles.

While it's true that even things that are good for us, like exercise/movement, are stressful.

We are not meant to live in a chronically stressed to the max state.

Our bodies are designed to go through stressful events but then to rebalance and stabilize.

All of that is in a perfect world. 

Now for the fun part.

What are you trying to avoid by being chronically stressed? 

What are you trying to gain or prove?

If you immediately feel...

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Are You Afraid of Love?

Feb 13, 2024

I’ve been helping people for many years now and can you guess what the #1 topic that I’m asked for help with? 

Yes, fun fabulous Romantic Relationships is top of the list with relationships in general as the second most popular.

This can be a very difficult subject for people, but it doesn’t have to be.

Let’s look at some different ways of allowing more love into your life.

I really want to help you finally get and keep the relationship of your dreams.

But, in order to do that, we need to gather some important information about your beliefs regarding love.

So, what does love mean to you? Maybe you think of family, romance, or cute little puppies wagging their tails.

Whatever your first thoughts were; I’d like you to take a deeper look at what you call love.

Imagine what it feels like for you to love and be loved. Was it all good, or did you have some uncomfortable thoughts and feelings pop up?

Like the jerk or jerkette that you overgave to...

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