Time to Rest

Dec 13, 2022

This time of the year many people feel they require more sleep.

Our sleep/wake cycles are regulated by light, so it makes perfect sense that if we have less light each day, we feel sleepier.

I won't go into ALL of that, but feel free to do your research if you like… I do want to mention how many of us don’t honor our bodies signals for more rest and push ourselves to do even more.


Your body is not trying to trick you. If you feel tired and sleepy, you simply need more rest.

Your body is not some annoying enemy always getting in your way with all its wants and requirements.

It's funny that we naturally require more rest and quiet time during the holiday season!

How can you possibly give yourself more sleep when you have all these parties, meetings, lines to wait in to buy gifts, heck you can barely find time to feed yourself in a day let alone take a nap.

When you stop, listen to your true needs and honor them, life gets so much easier.

I know we have all...

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Where's My Money!?

Dec 06, 2022

Money is a topic that most everyone is interested in.

Every person I've ever spoken to about money has made it very clear that they would like to have more, even the super wealthy! You can read books on finance, banking, investing, etc. but none of these books goes to the root of your money story.

Each person has their individual experiences with money, but over the years I've noticed many similarities with my clients, family, and friends. 

Perhaps you believe life just happens to you and you have no choice.

Maybe you feel you’re just lucky or unlucky depending upon the family you were born into. You may feel out of control with money, even if you have a lot. Feeling wrong for having more than others, or thinking you must work hard to justify your wealth. The stories are endless and specific to you.

On top of old ancestral patterns, science, if you need scientific proof, is now proving these patterns can go back 14 generations; there's...

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The Holiday Trap

Nov 29, 2022
A funny thing happens during the holidays. People who are already maxed out and stressed out suddenly add even more to their to do lists.
The sense of obligation is intense this time of year. With work parties, family gatherings and shopping; when is there time to rest and do things for yourself?

Many people struggle with taking time for themselves all year round. Lots of us, especially women, are taught to take care of others first. But always putting others' needs first can be detrimental to your well being.

You may start to harbor a lot of resentment towards others and even towards yourself for not setting healthy boundaries.

The guilt that often comes with setting boundaries can be a big sticking point. Feeling you should do this or that because it's family and you gotta put family first. Or giving gifts to people you don’t really know or like. It's all very draining and not honoring you.

Understand that you really don’t have to do all these...

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Who's Responsible?

Nov 22, 2022

I was thinking the other day about who is responsible for my life.

It's easy to say, "well me of course; I’m responsible for my own life. Other people can and do help me, but I have to take responsibility and stay in my power."

Questioning myself helped me realize how often I’ve taken responsibility for what happens in others lives as well.

You can contribute to others, but it is not your obligation to live their lives or take on their stuff!

How many people’s lives do you think you are responsible for?

Just go with the first number that comes up.

Pretty crazy huh?! If you’ve never thought about this before I think you’ll start noticing how much of your time, energy and attention is going towards other people's lives.

What they’re doing, creating, possibly overextending yourself to assist them in reaching their goals. Helping and being there for people we care about is great, but there is a limit.

Do you find that you’re unable to get...

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YOU Time!

Nov 15, 2022

When was the last time you did something just for yourself?

I often ask my clients, friends and family this question. They usually reply with an, ' I don’t have time!' or 'I just have way too much to do!'

Here’s the thing, if you consistently don’t put yourself first; it will negatively impact every area of your life. 

Before you go into the stories like: 'I have to put my kids as top priority.', or 'If I don’t put work first I won’t be able to survive.', please stop and realize, that if your gas tank is empty or only partially full you can’t maintain this cycle without something eventually breaking down, and it just might be you.

Now, I’m not promoting selfishness, nor suggesting you ignore everyone else and what they require.

But, I am encouraging you to get real with yourself and realize that there are things we actually need as we are having this human experience. 

Let’s talk about food for instance. I’ve lost...

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The Hard Way

Nov 08, 2022

Have you ever known someone who struggles in basically every area of their life?

No matter what they do they can’t seem to catch a break. They work super hard and try to be optimistic, yet things seem to stay the same or get worse for them.

It can often be difficult to know what to say to be encouraging or supportive when outwardly it looks like they are doing "all the right '' things.

But, they aren't getting the results they want.

The person clearly has thought loops such as…

I keep working hard, but nothing is going right. Maybe I'm not working hard enough; I'll work harder, hmm but that won't work either since I've tried that before, ugh I suck! I have no idea what to do, nothing works for me!!

So with all those thoughts spinning, you’ll feel worse and worse focusing and activating more of what you don't want.

A vicious cycle. It's like getting caught on a crappy thought hamster wheel.

So what can you do about it?

First be aware when...

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What's good?

Nov 01, 2022

How often do you take a moment to appreciate the things and people in your life?

Maybe your answer was never, I don’t know or there’s nothing to appreciate in my life right now.

Those answers are fine, they show you where you’re currently focused. However, continuing to think like that will only keep you stuck in more of the same.

We live In a world where we’re bombarded with messages that nothing is quite good enough and we always need more. Don’t get me wrong, having goals and dreams is fantastic and important to an expansive happy life. But, so is regularly acknowledging what is “right & good”  in your life.

It is common to hear people going on about how bad things are and that one day they will be happy.

One day?

The day when they have said goal accomplished…but that day will never come. Yea sure, you may very well reach your goal but then you’ll feel that’s no longer good enough and start focusing on...

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Magical You!

Oct 25, 2022

What comes to mind when I mention the word Magic?

Perhaps a disappearing card trick? Or maybe a Disney movie type of feeling? What about you? 

Have you ever thought of yourself as magical?

What if I told you that you are walking, talking, breathing magic?! And accepting yourself as magical can create way more ease in your life.

Now, I know some don’t like the word magic but you can use another word, whatever you like. The point is to get into the state of being where you know that you are truly limitless! And start making things that you thought were miraculous normal in your world.


Quantum Physics tells us that our bodies and everything we see are holograms that are simply flickering and changing at speeds we can’t even comprehend.

So how does this help you to create a life you desire and realize you’re magical?

Well, when you realize that your thoughts, beliefs, and meanings that you attach to anything you’re observing changes the...

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Dynamic Family

Oct 18, 2022

The dynamics of each family are different and can certainly be a source of stress, struggle, and stuck-ness for many.

As a child, you want to make your parents/caregivers, grandparents and other family members happy and proud of you. You depend on them for survival and need them to be accepting of or risk being ostracized. 

A very common thing I see and remember doing myself as a child is processing for my parents.

How many times have you watched very young kids throwing a fit and wonder what is going on, why can't they control their child better?!

Well, most often they are processing feelings and emotions that their parents are squishing down and avoiding.

Kids are super aware of energies and emotions, even if they are unable to express them verbally. That pattern of the child taking on their parents' pain and suffering started long ago and can be passed down in families.

I sometimes see this in the DNA and until someone in the family has the awareness and...

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Right To Be Wrong

Oct 04, 2022

How many times have you caught yourself ruminating over past mistakes?

Beating yourself up over big and little things that didn’t go the way you wanted them to…that feels fantastic, huh?!

Firstly, what if there are no mistakes, just choices you made, nothing right or wrong about them. And secondly, you are free to choose something different at any given moment.

But, most people decide to stay stuck, rather than taking their attention off of perceived failures and creating something new.

In this world, we are addicted to fixing things.

Judging the crap out of everyone and everything, keeping ourselves in little boxes trying to be all things to all people. Jumping through hoops to be right about something, anything!

One big thing keeping you stuck is looking at anyone or anything as needing to be fixed.

If you think something needs to be fixed you’re already judging it as broken and something being wrong with it.

Another thing you may be doing is getting...

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