Identifying and stopping self-sabotage

self-sabotage Apr 16, 2024

How do you know if you’re self sabotaging?

Well, if you’re alive you do it, at least some of the time.

There are conscious and unconscious ways that you could be keeping yourself stuck, probably a mixture of both.

Behind the numerous ways this pattern can show up is the goal of preventing hurt.

Common fears like, loss of relationships, health, money, and reputation… all of those things would hurt.

And a part of you has decided it is safer to stay where you are and not risk anything.

You may very well want the thing and put in lots of effort to get it but unconscious parts of you can override your efforts and stop you in your tracks.

You’ve somehow received the message that stepping outside your (comfort zone) is dangerous and your thoughts, at least subconsciously, lean more towards the “negative” .

Instead of being or staying excited you get hit with tons of thoughts about how it can and probably will all go wrong.

That you’re an idiot for even trying and you should retreat immediately!

Before you give up and think something is wrong with you.

It’s extremely common to have doubts.

Everyone has them and it’s normal to feel some hesitation when you are choosing a very different reality than you’ve known before.

Your goals and dreams are important to you and often create a tendency to overthink.

How do you know you’re sabotaging? Here are just a few signs:

  • Procrastination
  • Impulsiveness
  • Distractions

What can you do to change?

  • Recognize your triggers
  • What thoughts do you have when triggered?
  • Tell yourself a new story

Remember to be gentle with yourself.

Everyone stops themselves sometimes.

Decide to be more relaxed and open to seeing how you are currently reacting to things.

This will open you up to releasing and choosing new ways of being.

You cannot push against the unwanted and create the desired results.

Practice this affirmation….even if you don’t believe it yet.

It is safe for me to move forward. I am loved and supported.



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