Prioritize Your Needs

Are you feeling exhausted most days?

Frustrated that you never have time for yourself to do things that bring you joy.

Your responsibilities keep piling up and your resentment and overwhelm is growing too..

Thoughts about how it can’t possibly change. “I don’t have more hours in the day and I can’t let people down.”

Continuously beating yourself up, saying that you’ve failed to do it all. “Something must be wrong with you. Look at others, they seem to have it all figured out.

Guess what, nobody has it all figured out.

Sure, some people have more help and have found systems that work for them.

But I can guarantee you that everyone has had times in their lives that they felt overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

So what can you do?......

The first step to changing anything is to first acknowledge that you’d like something different.

Regardless of the topic or area of life.

You suddenly realize in a big or more subtle way that something just isn’t working for you anymore.

Before you automatically go into wrongness and judgment.

Stop and sit with the feelings of wanting more, wanting things to be different.

You may have some good reasons for being tired of how things have been.

But, you don’t even need a reason. You’re a creative being, you will always be inspired to choose beyond what you had experienced before. 

Alright, you want to change this thing.

Next step is going to be letting go of some guilt.

You probably feel guilty for seeming ungrateful.

Your life is pretty good, right?

Who do you think you are to ask for more?

Just take note if you feel guilty about making your life easier.

Before you object and say what you think sounds good, look a bit deeper.

Do you love to be needed?

Or, feel that others depend on you so much, maybe things would fall apart without you?

Whatever comes up for you specifically just make note of it.

A new way of looking at things.

What if you taking care of yourself will actually not only be good for you but others in your life?

If you have children they will mimic you taking care of yourself and setting healthy boundaries.

Helping them to be happier healthier adults.

Friends and colleagues could also see your new self care as an inspiration.

Instead of seeing it as you’re letting others down, flip it to “ I inspire others with my self care!”

Running yourself ragged and constantly putting others' needs first is not an honorable thing to do.

It’s a fast track to possible health issues.

Don’t think that you can keep pushing through when your body starts to give you signs that it needs more rest, quiet, fun.

Honor yourself by making the necessary changes.

Even if you have to make those changes incrementally, you are worth it!

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.” ~Joyce Sunada


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