Let your light shine!

Do you tend to play small?

As a child were you told that you were too much?

Maybe you heard messages like; don’t say that, stop running around and being so loud.

Or, you might have been more naturally quiet and sensitive. Labeled as shy, passive. Picked on and told to loosen up and relax a bit more. 

Whatever the specific messages were for you at some point you decided that you’re too much of something and just not good enough.

Now that doesn’t mean that is your full identity and you walk around feeling terrible all day.

But, those energies of wondering if you will be too much, or doing something wrong, do run in the background of your mind and influence your daily habits.

Whatever you don’t accept about yourself others can show up and attack those parts.

Only because you judge and reject it within.

When you can allow the shameful, yucky, and “unwanted” parts to just be there without making them wrong; that is true freedom.

You hold yourself in bondage by pushing against certain thoughts, feelings and memories.

There's a difference in being neutral and having choice or demanding this must change because you hate this or that about yourself.

You must give yourself permission to be all of you. Not seeking approval from others and their whims.

Here’s an exercise you can try:

  • Write down 3-5 things that you don’t like about yourself. (It can be physical or personality traits.)
  • Rate from 0-10 how much you dislike this thing. 10 is the worst, 0 is no problem with it. (be honest)
  • Now look at the first answer on your list. Notice what you feel in your body. Perhaps tension, waves, tingles. Whatever you feel, will you give yourself permission to stop pushing against it?
  • Notice what is different and repeat the process as many times as you like. You will feel lighter and lighter each time. And it will be easier to catch yourself if you are resisting or judging yourself in the future.

Your beautiful dazzling light is a gift to the world.

It never dims, it just appears that way when you judge yourself.

Use the exercise above to buff and sparkle yourself regularly and enjoy shining brighter than ever before! I am very grateful for you :-)


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