Feel your Feelings

Apr 26, 2022

Everything we want is because of the feeling we’ve associated with having a certain person or thing in our lives.

But we are so judgmental of the (not so great) feelings that we can become afraid of our feelings and do whatever it takes to avoid them.

I’m all for focusing on good feelings and catching yourself if you’re complaining, but there seems to be this tendency in the metaphysical, positive thought world to avoid anything that doesn’t feel “good.”

The problem with that is, just because you deny or ignore them, feelings do not just go away, especially if they are intense.

People try to squish them down, lie to themselves and avoid how they feel at all costs, but the energy is still active, and that is what is creating your life.

So when you have something that keeps showing up in your life, but you swear you’ve gotten over something and let it go, guess what, you’ve haven’t…

That’s why it...

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What did you say?

Apr 19, 2022

There is so much focus on how others treat us and how what they are doing or saying makes us feel.

But actually, nobody can make us feel anything!

Focusing on them is an excellent way to take the attention away from how we treat ourselves.

So what are you saying to yourself?

Have you ever taken a moment to pay attention to the things you are thinking or saying about yourself?

Maybe you can take a moment right now and remember some of the thoughts going through your head for the past hour. Were any of them kind or uplifting in any way?

Have you thought even one nice thing about yourself the entire day?

If not, perhaps it is time to change all that.

To me, saying and thinking bad things about ourselves is a way of cursing.

When you realize how many thoughts you have each day and how many of those thoughts are negative and creating exactly what you don’t want, well that is a form of cursing yourself.

I seriously doubt most of us would let anyone talk to us the way we can...

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Lean Back

Apr 12, 2022

I love keeping busy, creating and moving forward in my life. But, sometimes all the busyness can cause me to feel overloaded! With all the responsibilities of each day you can feel like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions at once.

There’s nothing wrong with being busy and getting things done. But you may find yourself rushing around on autopilot and not really choosing things that inspire you.

Now whenever I find myself rushing, I know I have to stop and slow down immediately! Even if I’m driving during peak traffic and everyone is rushing I slow down or stop.

Hurrying to answer emails, phone calls, just anytime I was doing things with that energy of I don’t have time.

This past week I kept hearing “slow down Althea, you’re making things difficult when they don’t need to be.”

After I heard that, I also became aware of how energy was moving in my body when I thought everything was a race.


I noticed...

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Receive it All

Apr 05, 2022

Ahh, the flowers and trees are in bloom. Everything looks so beautiful and lush, but you can’t breathe properly and your eyes are itching and watering!

For years I suffered from bad allergies.

Sneezing multiple times in a row, non stop blowing my nose, dizziness, and itchy gooey watery eyes. It was pretty miserable; I could hardly function, and I never thought it would go away.

I tried every pill, powder, drop and "potion" I could find. Some of the products helped a lot. I’ll list some of my favorites below. But when I took a deeper look at why I had the allergies, that's when the biggest relief came.

So I thought, Althea, where are you giving your power away? When did you decide that you couldn’t handle certain things or all things? And what ways are you unwilling to receive?

See, breath is giving and receiving, and my airways were becoming swollen, irritated and overwhelmed. I literally couldn’t take any-more...

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Personal Intuitive Guidance

Mar 29, 2022

With so much information available to help us with our intuition, it can be very confusing knowing which techniques will work best for us.

When I was a teen, I started looking for information to help me understand and use my intuitive abilities better. There were so many books available on the subject I had no idea where to start.

I was feeling excited to learn more about my abilities, but a bit awkward since it wasn't a topic discussed where I grew up.  

I picked up a few astrology books from the library and devoured them and found them to be very fun and entertaining!

Astrology seemed like an easy place to start my journey, so I stuck with that for a while. I did enjoy reading the personality traits of the different signs and finding similarities in the people I knew compared to the examples in the book.

Mostly, the books were pretty accurate, but I often felt that it boxed people into categories of how they must act and make assumptions about their abilities to...

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Selfish or Self care

Mar 22, 2022

There’s often so much guilt associated with self care and a lot of confusion about what it is exactly. Self care is about truly honoring our needs and potential. If we don’t take care of ourselves and our needs first we really have nothing available to give others. Not taking time for ourselves often comes at a price.

Generally women are known to be self sacrificing and always encouraged to put others needs before their own.

Often depicted as the frazzled mother who doesn’t have time to shower or eat and even in the workplace preferring not to speak up on important issues in order to keep the peace, be liked and please others.

Consistently putting us last on our list eventually causes lack of self esteem, resentment and fatigue, amongst other unwanted side effects..

Now we have Selfish.. What is Selfish?

To me selfish is when we constantly do whatever we want without any care or concern of how our actions affect others. We must realize that we are all...

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The Leader of Your Life

Mar 15, 2022

Since childhood other people have told us what to do and when. It didn’t matter if the actions felt right to us or not.  We depended on them to survive, so we went along with it. But those patterns set us up to habitually ignore or go against our innate knowing of what is right for us.

The pattern continues in school where we must do everything the teachers say. At work, it's our bosses telling us what, how and when to do everything. Everyone thinking they know what's best for us and wanting things their way.

Sometimes we go ahead with what they want to keep the peace, be loved and accepted. But often it can be confusing to know what you want. With so many people in our space constantly saying to do this or do that, how can we possibly hear ourselves? Here are some things I do...

1.) Take some time to be alone- no phone, tv, computer. Just quiet time. This way you can start to notice how YOU feel; not how everyone else around you is feeling and pulling on you. This...

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How may I help you?

Mar 08, 2022

Did you all hear about the terrible thing that happened to so and so? It's awful, the poor family.  What about the war in that country somewhere over there? And did you hear that my friend's mom who is diagnosed with a horrible life threatening disease And! My neighbor's cat just died yesterday?! 

After reading that paragraph notice do you feel slimed, yucky and hopeless? Perhaps you feel tension in your body.

Each day we are bombarded with information and ongoing conversations similar to those above. Even if we are doing our best to focus on happy thoughts, we can quickly find ourselves 30 minutes into an all out complaining and scary b*tch-fest. It accomplishes nothing but making you feel worse and confused, rather than actually adding anything helpful.

So, what can you do?

First, be aware of what you're currently doing. How are you reacting to these types of situations right now?

Many people tell me they want to help. Whether it's a world issue, a sick...

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Appreciate it All

Mar 02, 2022

It’s easy to be grateful when things are going well. But what if it's all good? What if every experience you have means whatever you say it means?

That even in times of stress and loss you can choose how you view all of it. You have the power to decide at any moment how you think and feel about things that happened even years ago. 

There was a time when I was so filled with anxiety that I was unable to go to school. I was one of the first people in the US to be home-schooled and I continued to be taught at home until I graduated.

I was unable to work, and could barely go out in public.

There was a 3 year period that I only left my home a handful of times, and those times were only to go see a doctor to find out "what was wrong with me."

For years I struggled with social anxiety, months on end of full blown panic attacks and I really couldn't function in life at all. I depended almost entirely on family to help me and was forced to be on disability for many years.

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