The War Within

Jul 11, 2023

We’ve all had moments of feeling like we hate ourselves, fear that others hate us or we hate things we have done.

It is a part of life to experience a myriad of emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

We get to reflect upon our actions and make adjustments to those thoughts, feelings, and beliefs when we want to create a different experience in our reality.

That’s all great if used to positively adjust our points of view.

But what often happens is we find we are in a war with ourselves.

We call this self-sabotage and it's one of the biggest things distracting us from consciously choosing to create our lives.

Sabotage comes in many forms, but no matter the form it takes it is meant to keep you stuck and spinning.

Let’s take shame for instance.

We have all felt shame before.

But what about when it becomes irrational shame?

Have you ever felt like you needed to keep a secret from everyone because if they knew your secret they would certainly chastise you and...

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Don't Eat That!!

Jul 04, 2023

Do you enjoy what you eat?

Does your body want the foods you’ve been eating?

It's not just about the taste of the foods, it's your beliefs around them and how they affect your entire being.

Think about the last meal you ate. Can you honestly say you enjoyed that meal? Or were there all sorts of judgments, and fears that came up for you?

No matter what beliefs you currently have active on the subject of food, eating, and loving your body. I’m going to do my very best to show you how you can start communicating with your body in a more loving, respectful way.

And just maybe you can allow yourself to enjoy food a little bit more starting today!

You may love the taste and textures of certain foods but they can make you feel physically bloated, and tired or result in headaches amongst many other symptoms. And emotionally you could experience feelings of guilt, being out of control, or deprivation.

One of the biggest ways you may be cluttering up your life is by...

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Power of Your Voice

Jun 27, 2023

Did you know that your voice is as unique as your fingerprint?

Nobody else sounds exactly like you or ever will.

But, your voice also extends beyond the words you speak with your vocal cords.

Your voice is expressed in every email, texts, song, or passage in a book you write.

I also see and perceive your voice as the energy signature that you leave on everything you touch or create, including every room you walk into and every person's life you touch.

Take a moment and become aware of how many lives you’ve already touched in a positive way.

That’s a lot of lives!! The throat, vocal cords, neck and thyroid are associated with the fifth chakra.

It is very interesting that Thyroid issues have been increasing over the years.

Many are diagnosed with autoimmune disorders, basically meaning the body is attacking itself.

A good question to ask is: In what ways have I been attacking myself, my body, my truth?

Write down your answers. You may be...

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The Power of Your Intuition

Jun 20, 2023

The word intuition is thrown around a lot these days, but what is intuition?

One of the definitions on com says intuition is; The quality or ability of having such direct perception or quick insight.

Although there are many definitions and perspectives on what intuition is, let's focus on it being a quick insight.

I personally have noticed how extremely quick and subtle most intuitive information can be.

I think this is one main reason that people miss the insights or don’t trust them.

They are expecting the sky to open up and a personalized letter with the answer to float down into their laps.

That would be amazing, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon LOL!

Knowing that intuition is most often going to show itself to us in very subtle ways, it's a great idea to determine the primary ways that you receive energetic information.

I’m going to focus on the 4 most popular ways we receive info, but there are numerous...

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The Power of Your Body

Jun 13, 2023

When you think about your body what is the first thing that comes to mind? 

If your first thought wasn’t very positive or uplifting you’re not alone. 

Self-loathing is rampant in most parts of the world. 

And I could easily say that judgments of our bodies is the #1 thing I hear about most from clients, friends and family. 

One of my greatest intentions in my life is to help others to truly love and appreciate their bodies more.

May you find inspiration in this blog :-)

As I’m writing this I have tears in my eyes. 

I struggled for so many years being overweight and in pain. 

At one point, I could barely walk any short distance without becoming out of breath and my legs experiencing shooting pains. 

I had no idea how I was ever going to lose weight when I could barely move. 

At this point I had no choice but to start trusting my body; knowing that it could make the changes I wanted and trusting that my body was...

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Your Power to Choose

Jun 06, 2023

Are you ready to take back your power to choose?

We all make countless choices every day.

What to wear, what to eat and drink, and even where we will focus our thoughts and attention.

Usually, we think it's easy to choose what foods to eat or the types of clothing we will wear, but not the thoughts we think.

That somehow we are victims of our thoughts and that they just bounce around from one thing to another without our input.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Many of us are taught that life just happens to us.

That we are either lucky or not so lucky. We are either born into the right family in a good neighborhood or not. And If you didn’t happen to get blessed with the right family, great looks etc, you can still maybe change your life a little bit if you work really really hard.

But all of those are just beliefs and beliefs can be changed.

You just have to choose something different. How many of you have had thoughts like, Oh that’s just how...

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The Person to Please

May 30, 2023

Are you a good friend?

How about being a good spouse, parent, employee, etc.

Are you Good?

Did you feel some judgment and confusion that came up with that?

What if the only person you must please is YOU!?

Although it can be uncomfortable to acknowledge. All relationships really are about you.

And being more aware of how you treat yourself and expect to be treated by others.

So let’s talk a bit about how our relationships and roles change as we move into an often unknown territory of choosing what’s right for us.

As you commit to making changes in certain areas of your life, you will see that not everyone will be happy or supportive.

Because of this, many will choose to stay where they are, never venturing past the point where others start to get pissed off at them. Sometimes the people you thought you could depend on the most will disappear, say discouraging words, and disappoint you.

It might feel like things are breaking down and that you perhaps had lost your...

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Space to Create

May 25, 2023

I’m taking time this week to do some soul searching.

This is actually something I like to do every few months.

Noticing what is working and not working in my business and personal life.

Making sure that I am taking enough time to do things I enjoy and staying inspired to share with others how to more consciously create their lives.

To start, I sit down with all my lists, personal and professional,

I’m a big list maker.

I have stacks of notebooks scattered around everywhere!!

I like to see things written out in front of me. I personally find it easier to stay focused having it written down and find that it's very satisfying to mark things as complete.

Please use whatever methods work for you to help keep track of your progress and hold you accountable.

So once I have my lists open I simply feel into the things and see if they still resonate with me or not.

If I don’t feel interested or in alignment with the projects or ideas I will either put them on...

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Moody You

May 16, 2023

Have you ever tried to force yourself to stay in a good mood?

 Feels pretty awful huh? 

With all the talk of being positive, it can come across that we should be aiming for an exuberant mood shooting sunshine out of all our orifices all day and night. 

To be in a fantastic mood all the time is very unrealistic and sets us up for feeling like failures. Our moods and vibrations naturally fluctuate all the time. 

So please be easy on yourself and realize that you do not have to be “perfect” happy or smiling all the time in order to have a fabulous life. 

Actually being easy on yourself and accepting that sometimes you’ll be in a crappy mood will allow you to get out of the lower vibrations even faster :-)

We each have a vibrational set point that we don’t go very far above or below. 

We tend to have similar thoughts, feelings and focus on the same things day after day. Those thoughts are in the general range of our current set...

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The Body You Love

May 09, 2023

Let’s talk about your amazing body!

I know some of you probably thought, what the hell is she talking about?

My body isn’t amazing. It's too big here, too little there, pain in this area; all sorts of things wrong with it.

Ok, now that we got the body shaming out of the way; can you find one thing you like about your body?

Just one. It could be your eyes, you have great toes or the way your nose crinkles when you smile!  

If you found it difficult to find anything about your body you like, you’re not alone.

This world teaches us to hate our bodies, look for things wrong with it and compare it to others.

I used to think something was wrong with me because I had pores on my face but the people in the magazines did not. Until I realized they were heavily made up and photo-shopped to look that way!

We are constantly bombarded with images of bodies that are the example of what we're supposed to look like.

Rather than look to others for validation, have...

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