Ready for New Beginnings?

Has life been feeling a bit stale or monotonous?

Or have you had a string of things fall out of your life?

Sudden loss of relationships, career changes, a move or even health changes and now you feel a bit in limbo?

Any type of changes, even those you’re excited about can be rattling and disorienting. But they all bring the beautiful opportunity of New Beginnings!

Now, I’m a big believer in the idea that we can choose a new path at any moment, we don’t have to wait for a special occasion.

But, there are times that you will seemingly be pushed way outside your comfort zone.

Instead of automatically seeing this as a negative thing, remember everything is truly happening for you.

I know it might not seem like it when you’re in the thick of things but look back over your life and see how far you’ve come.

If you had stayed exactly where you were you would have never grown into the amazing person you are now. 

I can guarantee that deep down you want more out of your life.

Even if you have an amazing life full of everything you’ve always wanted, you will always want more.

This is not a bad thing and it doesn’t mean you’re not grateful.

You are an infinite creative being, which means you will continue to have desires and you’re meant to feel inspired and to have an amazing life!

So what have you been dreaming of?

What are you craving and wish for, thinking if only I had this thing or one day when?

All those thoughts are clues to your heart's truest desires, but you probably make yourself wrong or believe that those things are too big and you have no idea how to achieve them.

But what if they are attainable?

All that’s required is that you claim it is yours now and consistently BE the version of you who knows it is yours. 

Does that sound too easy?

Maybe it's time to choose more ease. And if you do get triggered, write down what bothered you.

Those are important clues to what beliefs are dominate and keeping you from having your dream life.

Don’t run from your thoughts.

Use them as powerful fuel to get you to your next level.

Nobody can stop you but you!

New and WAY BETTER Beginnings await!



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