Push Pull Relationship with Money

Is money more powerful than you?

Did your answer surprise you, or not so much?

How many choices do you make based upon how much money you have or don’t have?

I’m not saying go out and spend tons of money you don’t have.

I’m inviting you to look at how you may be limiting yourself in regards to money and receiving in general.

When you give money the power to decide for you this sets you up for a ton of struggles and constrictions.

Truth is; money does what you tell it to.

Before you start objecting and swear that’s not true and you have been telling money to flow into your life and claiming to be wealthy while burning candles on a full moon.

That’s all conscious chatter.

I’m talking about the subconscious repetitive thoughts like money is difficult,

I never have enough, it's hard to get and manage.

People will be jealous and want my money yada yada. Yea, all that stuff. It's in your mind running the show. 

So how do you know exactly what thoughts about money are dominant and running your reality?

A good place to start is to notice your reaction when things don’t go your way in regards to money.

Everyone’s money story is as unique as their fingerprint.

That’s why it's important to self-reflect and get clear on your beliefs and triggers. 

How do you respond negatively to money snafus?

Just write down any “negative” money experiences in the last week or month.

Extra bills, lost money, someone asked for a loan or didn’t pay you back.

Delays in receiving money.

Anything that was not ideal.

So how did you respond?

Were you angry and flip out?

Worried and sick to your stomach?

Whatever is true for you, write it down!

Don’t be shy, facing these thoughts are key to breaking through patterns and having more fun and confidence with money. No matter what!


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