Clutter and Space Clearing Tips

When was the last time you cleaned up your home?

I don’t mean the daily stuff like washing dishes, making beds or putting away groceries.

I mean getting rid of things you no longer use or need.

This can be quite a large task, depending upon how big your space is and how much you like to hold onto things.

But, clearing up your space is one of the most powerful steps you can take to change your life. And there are ways to do it so you don’t drive yourself nuts and decide to give everything away!

I’ll share some ideas a bit later…

Everything you have takes up energetic space in your mind.

We each have a mix of emotions attached to each and every item we own.

Some of those emotions feel good and we may smile when looking at certain things.

Other items may hold a negative charge and each time we observe or use those items we can feel heavy, annoyed or depressed. 

Here are some easy ways to get started.

You can use these tips even if you don’t have a lot of things.

It's about how you feel in your space that matters most.


Map to clearing your space!

Room by Room: 

Step into each room of your home and notice how you feel.

Light, heavy, stressed. Maybe you feel happy, content.

Where does your attention go first in each space?

Write down which places you feel the most charge or annoyance in. 

Pick an Area:

Now pick the area of your home that bothers you the most.

Not necessarily that you use the most often.

But, an area that you avoid.

Start there and spend at least 15 min getting rid of things.

Sweep, dust, move furniture.

The idea is to move the stagnant energy.

Keep Going:

Pick the next area that bothers you and get rid of things you don’t need or love.

Then freshen up the area by cleaning and or adding a new inspiring item you love.

Maybe a piece of beautiful artwork can be moved there to add more flow.

You don’t need to buy something new, maybe you already have something in storage.


I’m a big believer in facing things and changing them instead of avoiding and letting them pile up.

So this is why I didn't suggest you start small, implying this will be difficult and take a long time.

No, you created this.

Your space is a reflection of your subconscious.

Be confident and fearless as you set in motion the positive changes in your life.

If you feel like putting this off, that may be a reflection of how you’re operating in life.

What don’t you want to look at?

Where do you hide things?

Do you keep things that remind you of bad times, heartbreak, loss?

You do not have to get rid of anything or clear your home.

This is just a way to reflect and see how your home impacts your life.

And you may decide that you want to be surrounded by a different energy and visual inspirations. 

Bonus Tip:

Get rid of things quickly. Once you have the unwanted items gathered in bags or boxes, get them out of your house!

Not in the trunk of your car, not in the garage.

Take them to donate or give them away asap or you're simply moving stuff from one corner to another and that defeats the purpose. 


Clutter and Space Clearing audio:



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