Holiday Family Survival

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2023

The holidays can be a super fun time to celebrate with family and loved ones.

But, it can also be a time of increased stress, rushing around and an ever growing to do list.

Party hopping and gift giving decisions can lead to overwhelm and suck all the fun out of life.

But, it doesn’t have to be filled with annoyances and dread. 

If you don’t resonate with the above paragraph. Great! Keep on doing what you’re doing.

But, if you do notice yourself kinda hating certain holiday gatherings and particular family members getting on your nerves; the following tips are for you!


  • Get clear on what you want- Do you want to go to certain parties or do you feel you have to? List out all the events you are scheduled to attend and mark which ones you are excited about and the ones you’d love to skip. Then give yourself permission to skip them, (without guilt!)


  • Expectations of family members- Is there a certain family member that perhaps you rarely see but each time you do they talk about triggering things? You can be aware of your expectations and tell a new story about them now. Either decide you don’t really have any interaction with them or decide it will be pleasant. It really is that simple.Just keep telling the new preferred story.


  • Gift Giving Clarity- There might be someone you forgot to get a gift for or the last minute frantic shopping. Relax, give gifts to the people you truly feel called to. Giving is meant to be a beautiful enjoyable experience. Notice when it feels light and joyful to give as opposed to the times it may feel heavy and like a should do, rather than a choice. There’s nothing wrong with choosing to give when it feels good. And honestly, people can feel that energy and I am sure they would prefer to receive from someone who is joyfully giving.


Ok, so now you're at a party and you’re getting triggered and possibly regret being there.

What to do in a situation like this?...

Stop and take a slow deep breath.

Next, go get some fresh air. If you’re in the middle of an uncomfortable conversation simply excuse yourself. 

You may feel overstimulated from music, talking, food, and drinks.

Be gentle with yourself and realize you’re probably eating foods you don’t generally eat and more of them.

Ask yourself what you need at that moment, and really listen to the answer.

It could be you need more water, to go to another quieter room, or you may just want to leave and go home.

Whatever you decide to do, don't make it wrong.

Taking care of yourself is always important and benefits everyone. 

Now, with all of that being said, I encourage you to always assume you will have the best time at any party you attend and even when you’re out shopping!

And if things ever get wonky you know how to navigate it with ease.

Have the most amazing Holidays!



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