Thanksgiving - More Good Stuff

It's that time of year again to be thankful.

So, when was the last time you took a moment to acknowledge something you’re thankful for?

There’s no wrong answer and this isn’t to guilt trip you.

It’s just that I find the world can be very Problem Focused.

The tendency to look for problems and to always feel discontent is deeply ingrained in most of us.

It is great to know when you don’t like something in order to make a different choice and to strive for more.

But, taking a few minutes each day to think about or write out just 5 things you appreciate about your life at this moment will help you actualize your desires even faster!

To be clear, you are NOT forcing yourself to be happy and grateful for things you don’t like.

That is like an old way of guilt tripping ourselves to settle for less than we truly want.

Nope, not doing that crap!

Instead, take a moment and drop all your defenses and really see how many amazing things you have created in your life.

All the amazing people, places, and things that are in your daily experience already.

Yes, you also created all the stuff you don’t like too but we are focusing on all the good stuff right now.

I’m serious, pay attention to how many things that are so normal and expected each day that you completely forgot that it was once a big dream of yours to have.

They are certainly there and you will begin to see them when you look!

When you take time to be thankful for things don’t forget YOURSELF!

If that feels awkward for you don’t worry you will feel more comfortable adding yourself to the top of the list with daily practice.

You matter and I’m very thankful you're here and taking the time to value yourself in new ways!

To help you tap into the fact that you are way bigger than just your body and to open up to more consciousness, ease, and things to be thankful for I want to share one of my favorite super simple exercises.

It is called Heaven Rushing in By Donna Eden.

There are many videos you can follow along with and do the exercise but it's pretty straightforward and goes like this:


Hands on top of your thighs, knees soft

Eyes closed

Breath in as you lift your open hands above your head

Like you’re holding the Heaven’s in your arms-connected to joy love, oneness

Feel it all flowing into your arms-you may see colors/images

When you feel fully connected scoop up the energy and bring it into your heartspace

Take one more deep breath and open your eyes

I always feel this deep sense of peace after I do this exercise.

I was very surprised at how profound the energy shifts were after the first time I did it.

I kinda thought ok why not just stand here with my arms open to the sky LOL!

But try it out and you'll see it can bring instant calmness and get you into the present moment where you can be thankful much more easily. 

I am so very grateful to you! Thank you for allowing me to share the things that matter the most to me in your inbox each week.

I am grateful that you take the time to read my tips, insights, and awareness.

Have a fabulous week!


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