Doing Whatโ€™s Required to Change

Sep 19, 2023

Are you truly willing to change?

You may have quickly said yes and thought that was a silly question.

But it is VERY possible that you may be trying to stay exactly the same but you want things in your life to be different. [It doesn’t work that way.]

The version of you that has the things you currently don’t have thinks, feels, and behaves differently than your current version.

Sometimes drastically different. You must “die to the old self” in order to embody the new state of being.

Dying sounds kinda drastic, but some states of being I’m sure we want to die, fall away and never come back.

I know a few times in life I have felt that way LOL! 

So what’s the answer?

How do you get the things you’ve been longing for?


Sounds so simple, because it is.

You’re just simply not choosing it.

Do you choose once?

Sometimes, but if you have a lot of resistance and momentum fighting against your new choice you will need to...

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What to Do When Negative Thoughts Strike

Sep 12, 2023

Unwanted thoughts happen.

Everyone has experienced unwanted or “negative” thoughts.

I prefer to call them unwanted to take the charge out of it.

If you look at something as negative that immediately puts up resistance and uses a lot of energy and focus to push against it. 

Instead, you can look at it as though there are infinite possibilities, realities, and thoughts available at any moment.

Because there are.

You are actually picking up on others' thoughts, feelings, and other energies all the time to varying degrees.

Thankfully there’s nothing you actually need to do with all of this information, most of the time.

Start practicing just letting those thoughts float through you or past you.

If you have a scary thought and tense up, take a deep breath and think, oh I’m so glad that’s not gonna happen, or that’s an interesting thought... and shake it off.

Stop the habit of trying to figure it out.

What does it mean, is everything ok? Oh...

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A Journey of Self Love

Sep 06, 2023

Self love is a very popular topic, especially the last few years. As positive an idea as it seems, I find it's definitely a mixed bag.

Growing up, I was a chubby kid, but in my late teens and early twenties, I became morbidly obese. I endured sexual abuse at the age of 7, and that set the tone for the decline of my self-esteem.

Even as I’m writing this I realize I’m becoming super analytical and choking back the more creative side of me.

Another great example is that part of me still feels that I’m only loveable under certain conditions. Funny how those conditions change depending on who’s judging us.

The world grooms us to always put others first and that any excessive liking of yourself is frowned upon and you’re quickly labeled egotistical and selfish.

It is more acceptable and actually often encouraged to put ourselves down and pretend we are small and insecure. All because if we like ourselves that somehow really pisses others off.

As a...

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How to Use Energy Healing Audios

Aug 29, 2023

Have you used my clearing audios? Whether you have or haven’t yet I’d like to share with you how to use the audios and some of my experiences while using them.

You can actually use them however you like.

Volume up/down, relaxed, active/resting with eyes closed.

Just not when driving or operating heavy machinery. 

I personally like to play them on low when I do other things.

But, I find it super helpful to set aside 10-15 min and allow myself to really relax, close my eyes and receive.

It can be addictive to just rush through while multitasking and not really paying attention.

That’s ok sometimes.

But I find it is a way that we avoid certain feelings/awareness that we have decided are wrong or uncomfortable.

Guess what; you are going to be uncomfortable when you are changing.

Discomfort is not a bad thing.

As you choose to think and BE differently than you’ve ever been before you may feel wonky, annoyed, and maybe not even quite sure how you...

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Do Your Facts Suck?

Aug 22, 2023

Did you know that what you say is true is actually true for you?

And your mind will look for evidence to keep affirming whatever your point of view is.

So if you don’t like something it's a great idea to STOP stating it as a fact!

I have had people tell me about things that they hated and wanted to change and when I offered my insight they became defensive and said “But it's a FACT!” I can’t change this!

Like how dare I offer such a ludicrous idea that it could be changed.

Well… ask yourself if you want something to continue being a fact or not. You have the power to change it. 

However; if you are hell-bent on proving and declaring to the world it is a fact, then that is what you will get more of.

That thing you hate hardens into fact over and over again.

Where are you defending something as being a fact in your life?

Is it a relationship, a health issue, or maybe your current money reality?

What have you decided is factual and...

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Create Your Own Luck

Mar 14, 2023

One of the biggest addictions in this world is talking about problems.

We search high and low to find answers to those problems. We read spiritual books, try hypnosis, talk to a therapist and a whole slew of other things hoping for a change.

Yet so often underneath it all, we are fiercely fighting for our limitations.

How many of you have had a friend or family member call you and ask for your help only to reject everything you say? Continue to claim they want help, but all they want is to defend their current life situation that they supposedly hate.

It can be awkward to speak up and tell someone when they are going full steam ahead on the bitch train. But you have to let them know that you won’t be participating in conversations that consist of focusing on problems, rather than new possibilities to change.

Yes, they may get angry, blame or accuse you of not being there for them. But, you have to choose what you will focus on and what you want to create in your world....

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Your Pot of Gold

Mar 07, 2023

What’s in your energy field daily?

What kinds of thoughts, feelings, conversations are you entertaining on a regular basis?

Whatever those are, get out a sheet of paper and quickly write down as many things as you can. You want to do this quickly so that you don’t overthink it and start diluting the information.

Now, look at the things you’ve written down.

That’s what’s in your mix, or consciousness most often. Do you like what you see?

Are you surprised, disappointed, excited?

Or perhaps you already had a good idea of what you’d write down?

Either way, it's a great idea to acknowledge your starting point before choosing to create more deliberately. No, judgements, just really taking a good neutral look at what you’ve been doing up until now.

You may have noticed there was a mix of wanted and unwanted things on your list.

Would you like to have more of the things you like?

What about even better than you could imagine to show up...

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Bringing in the New!

Jan 31, 2023

Ok now that your home is completely empty except for a chair, one outfit and your bed...just kidding LOL!

But seriously, I hope you’ve had fun letting go of some things that were taking up space that you really didn’t like or need. And if you are still in the process of clearing clutter, that’s wonderful too!

I felt it was important to mention that you don’t need to fill up every empty space in your home. Or, to even replace all the things you got rid of with new things, even if you love them.

Yes, surround yourself with things you love, but not necessarily that you gave away 5 shirts you hated now you must buy 5 shirts you love.

Our space can get cluttered with things we love too!

We are really just going for balance. Energy moves much smoother when there isn’t so much stuff. And we all want things to move easier and more smoothly in our lives, right?

So how our home looks and feels is symbolic of our life.

Cleaner open space equates to more...

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Clear Clutter The Easy Way

Jan 24, 2023


In my last blog, I mentioned how to identify your clutter and some reasons why you may avoid letting it go.

Now I’d like to go a little deeper into some tips that I have personally used for years to bust through the clutter and keep the vibes of my space fresh and bright!

Again I’m not suggesting you get rid of all your belongings or that you have to clutter clear at all. I’m just offering information.

I’ve seen the positive impact that clearing clutter has had on my life and the lives of my clients. So I hope that you will at least give these tips a try for yourself.

1. Notice where you have multiples

If you have 6 Large cooking spoons, 3 or 4 sets of china and drinking glasses. Do you really need all of that? Especially if you are living in a space that really doesn’t have room for all of that. It doesn’t have to be cookware. It could be books, clothes, anything. Notice if it's excessive and if you really (need) it. 

(Insight) This...

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I see Clutter

Jan 17, 2023

What do you do with all the stuff you don’t want to acknowledge?

Well, you throw it into a closet, drawer or some storage compartment of course!

I’m joking, but that’s exactly what many of us do. All of our belongings are a reflection of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. And symbolic of parts of us that we dislike, are ashamed of and all the repressed feelings in our subconscious.

I’ve noticed in all the clutter clearing books and courses I’ve seen. They all like to tell you to get rid of clutter and their tips on doing so, but I’ve personally never seen anyone address the reasons you have the clutter in the first place.

Me telling you that you have too much stuff is pointing out the obvious.

Wouldn’t you like to know how to more easily let go of the clutter? Instead of just being told how to separate it into boxes and organizing tips.

Because the thing is, if you don’t address the reasons why you haven’t been willing to...

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