Do Your Facts Suck?

Did you know that what you say is true is actually true for you?

And your mind will look for evidence to keep affirming whatever your point of view is.

So if you don’t like something it's a great idea to STOP stating it as a fact!

I have had people tell me about things that they hated and wanted to change and when I offered my insight they became defensive and said “But it's a FACT!” I can’t change this!

Like how dare I offer such a ludicrous idea that it could be changed.

Well… ask yourself if you want something to continue being a fact or not. You have the power to change it. 

However; if you are hell-bent on proving and declaring to the world it is a fact, then that is what you will get more of.

That thing you hate hardens into fact over and over again.

Where are you defending something as being a fact in your life?

Is it a relationship, a health issue, or maybe your current money reality?

What have you decided is factual and unchangeable?

You may have a few things you believe are too big and can’t be changed.

Write those things down. Now for each Item answer the following.

  1. I Can't change this because….
  2. I Don’t want to change this because….

List 5-10 reasons for each.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable and raw about the answers.

No judgment.

Even if the answers seem bizarre, write them down.

You may think you want to change something but I can tell you from years of experience if it's not changing: there is some sort of value you are getting from it.

Until you acknowledge that part of you that derives benefit from it you will continue to have difficulties changing it.

Simply writing the list will clear a lot of energy but you can also go a bit deeper if you like.

You can place your hand over your heart and read the first item and notice any thoughts or feelings you have about what you wrote.

Take a deep breath and let any feelings pass.

They may feel intense or you may barely notice anything. You may feel resistance, but you can choose to relax into it.

Remind yourself that you are safe and you are NOW choosing to let this energy go. 

Yes, it really can be that simple.

Enjoy the new possibilities as you let go of the other stories. Have a beautiful week being awesome!

Lots of love,



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