Joyful Complaining

Feb 27, 2024

What if complaining is a good thing?

Contrary to popular opinion, it is!

Now I’m not saying to start whining to everyone about everything but expressing things you’re unhappy with can be used to create big positive changes!

Now some people just love to complain and they do not actually want things to be different.

I remember years ago being on a cruise where they announced on the speaker system that they had intentionally set up things for people to complain about because it brought them so much joy.

I thought that was hilarious and had never thought of it that way.

But, I’m talking about the things you really want to shift and upgrade for a happier life. 

What I’m suggesting isn’t exactly venting, but allowing yourself to vent can sometimes shift you into awareness and demand for change.

As you vent there’s usually an energy of just expressing things with no purpose but to just off-load the energy.

But, what if you start looking at...

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Doing What’s Required to Change

Sep 19, 2023

Are you truly willing to change?

You may have quickly said yes and thought that was a silly question.

But it is VERY possible that you may be trying to stay exactly the same but you want things in your life to be different. [It doesn’t work that way.]

The version of you that has the things you currently don’t have thinks, feels, and behaves differently than your current version.

Sometimes drastically different. You must “die to the old self” in order to embody the new state of being.

Dying sounds kinda drastic, but some states of being I’m sure we want to die, fall away and never come back.

I know a few times in life I have felt that way LOL! 

So what’s the answer?

How do you get the things you’ve been longing for?


Sounds so simple, because it is.

You’re just simply not choosing it.

Do you choose once?

Sometimes, but if you have a lot of resistance and momentum fighting against your new choice you will need to...

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What to Do When Negative Thoughts Strike

Sep 12, 2023

Unwanted thoughts happen.

Everyone has experienced unwanted or “negative” thoughts.

I prefer to call them unwanted to take the charge out of it.

If you look at something as negative that immediately puts up resistance and uses a lot of energy and focus to push against it. 

Instead, you can look at it as though there are infinite possibilities, realities, and thoughts available at any moment.

Because there are.

You are actually picking up on others' thoughts, feelings, and other energies all the time to varying degrees.

Thankfully there’s nothing you actually need to do with all of this information, most of the time.

Start practicing just letting those thoughts float through you or past you.

If you have a scary thought and tense up, take a deep breath and think, oh I’m so glad that’s not gonna happen, or that’s an interesting thought... and shake it off.

Stop the habit of trying to figure it out.

What does it mean, is everything ok? Oh...

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The Power of Your Intuition

Jun 20, 2023

The word intuition is thrown around a lot these days, but what is intuition?

One of the definitions on com says intuition is; The quality or ability of having such direct perception or quick insight.

Although there are many definitions and perspectives on what intuition is, let's focus on it being a quick insight.

I personally have noticed how extremely quick and subtle most intuitive information can be.

I think this is one main reason that people miss the insights or don’t trust them.

They are expecting the sky to open up and a personalized letter with the answer to float down into their laps.

That would be amazing, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon LOL!

Knowing that intuition is most often going to show itself to us in very subtle ways, it's a great idea to determine the primary ways that you receive energetic information.

I’m going to focus on the 4 most popular ways we receive info, but there are numerous...

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Stay on Target

Jun 21, 2022

When you start the journey to having more awareness, self-love and acceptance it can be very exciting and freeing.

You start noticing you're feeling happier and lighter, and when you do have an off day they’re nowhere near as frequent or intense as before.

That is until you're stuck in a room full of your relatives or in-laws LOL!

We often think once we move away from family or even have our own, many things that used to bother us just simply go away.

We have our lives pretty much together; we have careers, academic accomplishments, our children, why the heck should it matter what our Uncle "Bart" thinks of us?

Well, it technically doesn't, but that doesn't stop Bart or other family members' opinions or comments from triggering the crap out of us!

So, what to do?

Well, first remember that it is entirely normal for things that people say to bother us from time to time, second take a breath and do your best to let it go and not feed into any annoying comments or actions....

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How may I help you?

Mar 08, 2022

Did you all hear about the terrible thing that happened to so and so? It's awful, the poor family.  What about the war in that country somewhere over there? And did you hear that my friend's mom who is diagnosed with a horrible life threatening disease And! My neighbor's cat just died yesterday?! 

After reading that paragraph notice do you feel slimed, yucky and hopeless? Perhaps you feel tension in your body.

Each day we are bombarded with information and ongoing conversations similar to those above. Even if we are doing our best to focus on happy thoughts, we can quickly find ourselves 30 minutes into an all out complaining and scary b*tch-fest. It accomplishes nothing but making you feel worse and confused, rather than actually adding anything helpful.

So, what can you do?

First, be aware of what you're currently doing. How are you reacting to these types of situations right now?

Many people tell me they want to help. Whether it's a world issue, a sick...

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