Expectations of Family

Oct 31, 2023

I sat down to write about family and how our expectations of them determines how they show up in our world.

Then suddenly I was distracted and caught off guard by seeing a ghost in my living room!

It's very normal for me to see ghosts and to communicate with those that have passed on, I’ve been doing that since I was a child…

However; the way this spirit showed up was very different than I had experienced before and I had to stop and go Wooah wtf was that?! LOL!

This experience got me thinking about different ways we are haunted by family and ancestral programming, whether we like it or not. Which contributes to our expectations of family members.

Not all beliefs or experiences are negative but many of the things passed down through families can definitely impact us in undesirable ways.

Science has proven that we all can carry memories from our ancestors at least 12-15 generations back!

Now before you start feeling annoyed and hopeless; I’ve got good news!...

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Artistic Expression

Aug 08, 2023

Since I love art so much I thought I’d share a fun exercise that you can do to bring more healing and clarity to any area of your life.

Choose a topic, or body part and paint or draw what it looks and feels like for that body part or situation to be healthy, thriving exactly as you want it to be. 

For this example, I will choose a body part.

Let’s focus on the heart.

That area can be associated with heartbreak, betrayal, loss, self-protection, etc.

But it is also connected to love, joy, generosity, and all sorts of uplifting energies/emotions. 

You can start with a general heart shape and then just add whatever colors feel good for you in the moment.

By the time you feel your artwork is completed the heart shape might be totally covered and that is perfectly fine.

Have fun letting go.

Be as wild, free, and non-judgmental as you can in the moment.

If you’ve been holding a lot inside for a long time it can feel a bit awkward to open up. Give...

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The Person to Please

May 30, 2023

Are you a good friend?

How about being a good spouse, parent, employee, etc.

Are you Good?

Did you feel some judgment and confusion that came up with that?

What if the only person you must please is YOU!?

Although it can be uncomfortable to acknowledge. All relationships really are about you.

And being more aware of how you treat yourself and expect to be treated by others.

So let’s talk a bit about how our relationships and roles change as we move into an often unknown territory of choosing what’s right for us.

As you commit to making changes in certain areas of your life, you will see that not everyone will be happy or supportive.

Because of this, many will choose to stay where they are, never venturing past the point where others start to get pissed off at them. Sometimes the people you thought you could depend on the most will disappear, say discouraging words, and disappoint you.

It might feel like things are breaking down and that you perhaps had lost your...

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Get Grounded!

Apr 11, 2023

In the wellness and spiritual circles it is very common to hear people telling each other to get grounded. But what exactly does that mean?

I’m sure people will have lots of opinions about the meaning but I will just speak from my knowing and you can use this info however you like ;-) 

To me, grounded means to allow your physical body and energy bodies to be fully connected to the energy of the planet.

I ground myself and all my clients in each session by visualizing etc. But, walking barefoot in the grass or sand is an easy super powerful way to stay grounded and balanced!

It may be too cold outside to do this or you might be afraid of stepping in your neighbors pet droppings :-D In that case you can purchase grounding mats, also called earthing mats. I’ve heard lots of great feedback about the mats.

You can try one out but I’d still suggest allowing your bare feet to make contact on the ground as much as possible.

Our ancestors did this regularly...

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Let Your Feelings Flow

Mar 28, 2023

How do you feel about your life right now?

When I ask people that question I’m often met with two different responses.

The first one is full out complaining about everything and everyone in their life.

The second response is forcing a smile and trying to make everything seem great while covering up the truth of how they really feel.

What do these two responses have in common?

They both are focused on making something wrong. Making others wrong for how they are being or not being or making yourself wrong for feeling how you feel.

Looking for things to be wrong keeps you stuck in a loop of judgment.

You don’t create new things by noting everything you dislike.

But it's also not a great idea to bury your head in the sand and pretend you’re happy when you’re not.

The fake it till you make it method can work short term, but in the long run you are likely squishing old anger, pain, and resentful feelings deep down into your physical body.

This can contribute...

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Love Your-self First

Feb 07, 2023

Happy February!! The month of all things love and romance!

Everyone loves the feeling of being in love, the fresh energy, and excitement, the hope, and possibilities that perhaps this is finally the person you’ve been looking for your entire life.

But, have you ever wondered if you’re able to Love yourself the way you expected a person to Love you, or how you think you love them?

We often focus on something being wrong with us and that if we can just find that right person to complete us and Love us, then we won’t be broken or wrong anymore.

Not to say that you need to love yourself 100% perfectly all of the time, but there is a certain level of self-love and appreciation required for a healthy, happy, balanced relationship to exist.

How many of you have found yourselves in situations with people wondering how you allowed that to happen and if you only had more confidence and self-worth there’s no way you’d let someone treat you that way?

I know...

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Time to Rest

Dec 13, 2022

This time of the year many people feel they require more sleep.

Our sleep/wake cycles are regulated by light, so it makes perfect sense that if we have less light each day, we feel sleepier.

I won't go into ALL of that, but feel free to do your research if you like… I do want to mention how many of us don’t honor our bodies signals for more rest and push ourselves to do even more.


Your body is not trying to trick you. If you feel tired and sleepy, you simply need more rest.

Your body is not some annoying enemy always getting in your way with all its wants and requirements.

It's funny that we naturally require more rest and quiet time during the holiday season!

How can you possibly give yourself more sleep when you have all these parties, meetings, lines to wait in to buy gifts, heck you can barely find time to feed yourself in a day let alone take a nap.

When you stop, listen to your true needs and honor them, life gets so much easier.

I know we have all...

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Magical You!

Oct 25, 2022

What comes to mind when I mention the word Magic?

Perhaps a disappearing card trick? Or maybe a Disney movie type of feeling? What about you? 

Have you ever thought of yourself as magical?

What if I told you that you are walking, talking, breathing magic?! And accepting yourself as magical can create way more ease in your life.

Now, I know some don’t like the word magic but you can use another word, whatever you like. The point is to get into the state of being where you know that you are truly limitless! And start making things that you thought were miraculous normal in your world.


Quantum Physics tells us that our bodies and everything we see are holograms that are simply flickering and changing at speeds we can’t even comprehend.

So how does this help you to create a life you desire and realize you’re magical?

Well, when you realize that your thoughts, beliefs, and meanings that you attach to anything you’re observing changes the...

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Right To Be Wrong

Oct 04, 2022

How many times have you caught yourself ruminating over past mistakes?

Beating yourself up over big and little things that didn’t go the way you wanted them to…that feels fantastic, huh?!

Firstly, what if there are no mistakes, just choices you made, nothing right or wrong about them. And secondly, you are free to choose something different at any given moment.

But, most people decide to stay stuck, rather than taking their attention off of perceived failures and creating something new.

In this world, we are addicted to fixing things.

Judging the crap out of everyone and everything, keeping ourselves in little boxes trying to be all things to all people. Jumping through hoops to be right about something, anything!

One big thing keeping you stuck is looking at anyone or anything as needing to be fixed.

If you think something needs to be fixed you’re already judging it as broken and something being wrong with it.

Another thing you may be doing is getting...

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Noticing Beauty in Nature

Sep 27, 2022

This time of year is my absolute favorite! I’m not always great at taking the time to soak up all that nature has to offer, but this time of year I can’t help but stop and take notice!

There is something extra special about the month of September. No matter where I’ve lived, the sunsets during this month are dazzling!

It's sort of like the beauty reflected back is saying that all is well and remember to relax and take it all in. 

People tend to love particular types of weather and landscapes and dislike others.

But, what if you took a moment to see and experience the beauty that each part of the planet and each season has to offer?

For example, many don’t like snow, so they decide if it's snowing or there is snow on the ground they are going to have a bad day, or at least be annoyed until it melts.

Some like dry climates and scenes, others prefer lush tropical surroundings.

None of these things are better than the other but believing so can block...

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