A Journey of Self Love

Sep 06, 2023

Self love is a very popular topic, especially the last few years. As positive an idea as it seems, I find it's definitely a mixed bag.

Growing up, I was a chubby kid, but in my late teens and early twenties, I became morbidly obese. I endured sexual abuse at the age of 7, and that set the tone for the decline of my self-esteem.

Even as I’m writing this I realize I’m becoming super analytical and choking back the more creative side of me.

Another great example is that part of me still feels that I’m only loveable under certain conditions. Funny how those conditions change depending on who’s judging us.

The world grooms us to always put others first and that any excessive liking of yourself is frowned upon and you’re quickly labeled egotistical and selfish.

It is more acceptable and actually often encouraged to put ourselves down and pretend we are small and insecure. All because if we like ourselves that somehow really pisses others off.

As a...

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The Power of Your Body

Jun 13, 2023

When you think about your body what is the first thing that comes to mind? 

If your first thought wasn’t very positive or uplifting you’re not alone. 

Self-loathing is rampant in most parts of the world. 

And I could easily say that judgments of our bodies is the #1 thing I hear about most from clients, friends and family. 

One of my greatest intentions in my life is to help others to truly love and appreciate their bodies more.

May you find inspiration in this blog :-)

As I’m writing this I have tears in my eyes. 

I struggled for so many years being overweight and in pain. 

At one point, I could barely walk any short distance without becoming out of breath and my legs experiencing shooting pains. 

I had no idea how I was ever going to lose weight when I could barely move. 

At this point I had no choice but to start trusting my body; knowing that it could make the changes I wanted and trusting that my body was...

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The Person to Please

May 30, 2023

Are you a good friend?

How about being a good spouse, parent, employee, etc.

Are you Good?

Did you feel some judgment and confusion that came up with that?

What if the only person you must please is YOU!?

Although it can be uncomfortable to acknowledge. All relationships really are about you.

And being more aware of how you treat yourself and expect to be treated by others.

So let’s talk a bit about how our relationships and roles change as we move into an often unknown territory of choosing what’s right for us.

As you commit to making changes in certain areas of your life, you will see that not everyone will be happy or supportive.

Because of this, many will choose to stay where they are, never venturing past the point where others start to get pissed off at them. Sometimes the people you thought you could depend on the most will disappear, say discouraging words, and disappoint you.

It might feel like things are breaking down and that you perhaps had lost your...

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Limits on You

Apr 18, 2023

I know you’ve probably heard it a million times that you are the only one who can stop you.

But how exactly are you stopping you?

Looking back over your life I’m sure you did go through hard times; you didn’t make them up, they happened. And sometimes we feel if certain things hadn’t happened our lives would be entirely different.

It’s funny how that idea could be used against us, by thinking our lives would be SO much better if such and such hadn’t happened.

It just keeps us stuck if we look at things that way.

Let’s take a look at some ways to let these old stories go finally.

I say this from my own life experience and witnessing numerous clients, friends, and family. If you need to feel validated or you’re holding onto resentment from a past unpleasant experience; you are making yourself a victim.

People don’t often like the word "victim, " but it's true.

We sometimes think holding onto anger or pain hurts the other...

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The Worthiness Trap

Apr 04, 2023
Do you feel worthy to have the life you truly desire?

Notice whatever thoughts, feelings or beliefs that question may have brought up for you.

Take a nice deep breath and let all of that gently release.

You can always recreate what you just let go of if you really want to. But for now, I’d like you to open up to look at the idea of worthiness from a different perspective.

Most of us have picked up this idea that we need to be worthy of good things, things we want or we can never actually have them.

One of the main beliefs connected to this is the idea that something is inherently wrong with us. We are somehow flawed, bad or not quite good enough in someone’s opinion.

Many are walking around programmed to think that they have to keep doing more and more to be worthy.

Or to stop doing this or that so that they fit in and are acceptable. That somehow we have to earn this elusive stamp of worth and value.

We aren’t quite sure how to achieve it but we will often...

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Stand Tall

Jan 03, 2023

This week I want to talk about posture and how it has such an enormous impact on how we feel.

Most of you have heard adults; usually, a parent, say: "Stand up straight, stop slouching, it looks horrible."

But it's not just that slouching looks bad, it has huge adverse effects on our mental and physical health as well.


For example; If you ever pay attention to actors, you will see that they must change their posture and mannerisms to get into character. The confident characters always stand tall and usually shoulders squared off, those characters being bullied or lacking confidence will be depicted slouched, chest sunk in.

Many scientific studies are proving that just holding certain body positions for a short while will produce chemical reactions in our bodies that contribute to feeling more optimistic/confident or depressed/ hopeless amongst many other emotions.

Now you’d probably think, oh ok, I will just stand up straighter.

That's an excellent idea, but what I find...

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I Had No Idea!

Jul 12, 2022

Are you only capable of doing what others expect from you and nothing more? Right now I’m at a place in my life where I’m allowing myself to express different aspects of who I am.

Most people that know me, or who have spoken to me for a moment would likely say I’m already very expressive.

Yes, I am; however, there’s much more to me than meets the eye!

I’ll be the first one to say that although I’m very bold, it can be uncomfortable to step out and show people other sides of myself.

Others tend to know us in a certain way and whether they mean to or not, put us into a little box.

So when we show them other skills, talents, or interests, it can rattle and trigger people a bit.

Nothing wrong with that, just good to know that may happen.

It doesn't matter what you choose to do; people will have an opinion (I encourage you to assume they are excited for you) when you finally decide to share your dreams with the world.

Please don’t let...

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