Prioritize Your Needs

Apr 09, 2024

Are you feeling exhausted most days?

Frustrated that you never have time for yourself to do things that bring you joy.

Your responsibilities keep piling up and your resentment and overwhelm is growing too..

Thoughts about how it can’t possibly change. “I don’t have more hours in the day and I can’t let people down.”

Continuously beating yourself up, saying that you’ve failed to do it all. “Something must be wrong with you. Look at others, they seem to have it all figured out.

Guess what, nobody has it all figured out.

Sure, some people have more help and have found systems that work for them.

But I can guarantee you that everyone has had times in their lives that they felt overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

So what can you do?......

The first step to changing anything is to first acknowledge that you’d like something different.

Regardless of the topic or area of life.

You suddenly realize in a big or more subtle way...

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Self-talk, How's yours ?

Apr 26, 2023

How do you feel when given a compliment?

Do you receive it quickly or directly and say "Thank You"?

Or perhaps you deflect it.

Do you then feel obligated to compliment them back or even finding fault with whatever you were complimented?

These are all signs that your self-talk could likely use a bit of adjusting.


Have you ever stopped to take notice of how you’re thinking about yourself?

What you say out loud is essential too, but all those thoughts that float through your head unspoken each day are having a significant impact on your self-image AND your life.

Now there are always exceptions to the rules, but you may have noticed negative things you think about yourself, well, you’d never tolerate another person speaking to you in that manner.

So why do you allow yourself to put you down?

I’m inviting you to let go of all the crappy self-talk you’re involved in each day.

It's certainly your choice, no need to stop tearing yourself down, but if...

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Love Your-self First

Feb 07, 2023

Happy February!! The month of all things love and romance!

Everyone loves the feeling of being in love, the fresh energy, and excitement, the hope, and possibilities that perhaps this is finally the person you’ve been looking for your entire life.

But, have you ever wondered if you’re able to Love yourself the way you expected a person to Love you, or how you think you love them?

We often focus on something being wrong with us and that if we can just find that right person to complete us and Love us, then we won’t be broken or wrong anymore.

Not to say that you need to love yourself 100% perfectly all of the time, but there is a certain level of self-love and appreciation required for a healthy, happy, balanced relationship to exist.

How many of you have found yourselves in situations with people wondering how you allowed that to happen and if you only had more confidence and self-worth there’s no way you’d let someone treat you that way?

I know...

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YOU Time!

Nov 15, 2022

When was the last time you did something just for yourself?

I often ask my clients, friends and family this question. They usually reply with an, ' I don’t have time!' or 'I just have way too much to do!'

Here’s the thing, if you consistently don’t put yourself first; it will negatively impact every area of your life. 

Before you go into the stories like: 'I have to put my kids as top priority.', or 'If I don’t put work first I won’t be able to survive.', please stop and realize, that if your gas tank is empty or only partially full you can’t maintain this cycle without something eventually breaking down, and it just might be you.

Now, I’m not promoting selfishness, nor suggesting you ignore everyone else and what they require.

But, I am encouraging you to get real with yourself and realize that there are things we actually need as we are having this human experience. 

Let’s talk about food for instance. I’ve lost...

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Energetic Self Care

May 03, 2022

In this world, there’s so much focus on our physical health, what we eat and drink and how often we exercise. Attention and an absolute importance are placed on emotional health and spirituality.

But, I rarely see mention of energetic self-care.

Since everything is energy, you may be wondering what that means exactly. To me energetic self-care means, what we are hanging onto and carrying around, and what are we putting out into the world.

A real question to ask yourself is, what types of energies am I emitting? Also, what kinds of energies am I allowing in my world?

Start paying attention to the kind of conversations you’re in. Notice any themes, common topics you find yourself talking about and focusing on.

Also, the types of tv shows or movies you’re watching. Often people think oh it's just a silly tv show. It doesn't bother me. But, yes it can impact your mood and energy fields a lot!

Ever noticed after watching a scary or dramatic movie you feel rather...

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Selfish or Self care

Mar 22, 2022

There’s often so much guilt associated with self care and a lot of confusion about what it is exactly. Self care is about truly honoring our needs and potential. If we don’t take care of ourselves and our needs first we really have nothing available to give others. Not taking time for ourselves often comes at a price.

Generally women are known to be self sacrificing and always encouraged to put others needs before their own.

Often depicted as the frazzled mother who doesn’t have time to shower or eat and even in the workplace preferring not to speak up on important issues in order to keep the peace, be liked and please others.

Consistently putting us last on our list eventually causes lack of self esteem, resentment and fatigue, amongst other unwanted side effects..

Now we have Selfish.. What is Selfish?

To me selfish is when we constantly do whatever we want without any care or concern of how our actions affect others. We must realize that we are all...

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