Self-talk, How's yours ?

Apr 26, 2023

How do you feel when given a compliment?

Do you receive it quickly or directly and say "Thank You"?

Or perhaps you deflect it.

Do you then feel obligated to compliment them back or even finding fault with whatever you were complimented?

These are all signs that your self-talk could likely use a bit of adjusting.


Have you ever stopped to take notice of how you’re thinking about yourself?

What you say out loud is essential too, but all those thoughts that float through your head unspoken each day are having a significant impact on your self-image AND your life.

Now there are always exceptions to the rules, but you may have noticed negative things you think about yourself, well, you’d never tolerate another person speaking to you in that manner.

So why do you allow yourself to put you down?

I’m inviting you to let go of all the crappy self-talk you’re involved in each day.

It's certainly your choice, no need to stop tearing yourself down, but if...

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Limits on You

Apr 18, 2023

I know you’ve probably heard it a million times that you are the only one who can stop you.

But how exactly are you stopping you?

Looking back over your life I’m sure you did go through hard times; you didn’t make them up, they happened. And sometimes we feel if certain things hadn’t happened our lives would be entirely different.

It’s funny how that idea could be used against us, by thinking our lives would be SO much better if such and such hadn’t happened.

It just keeps us stuck if we look at things that way.

Let’s take a look at some ways to let these old stories go finally.

I say this from my own life experience and witnessing numerous clients, friends, and family. If you need to feel validated or you’re holding onto resentment from a past unpleasant experience; you are making yourself a victim.

People don’t often like the word "victim, " but it's true.

We sometimes think holding onto anger or pain hurts the other...

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The Power of Doing Nothing

Jul 05, 2022

I’m sure you are aware of cycles, look to nature, and you will see a natural rhythm to things each and every day. But you may not be aware that those cycles and rhythms apply to all areas of your life. We aren’t meant to be going at full speed nonstop.

Trying to do everything on your own and helping others with their stuff too. Attempting to do too much for too long can have a very negative impact on your health, relationships, and your outlook on life.

It can take courage to stop and rest. Especially with how much importance the world puts on staying busy. We are taught to keep moving no matter what or risk being seen as lazy.

But what if stopping to do nothing is one of the best things you could do for yourself.

In times of high stress, it can seem counterintuitive to stop and relax. So many spinning anxious thoughts. Feeling you need to do something. Thinking you must keep moving or things will fall apart. It's often at those times we need to stop and do...

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Energetic Self Care

May 03, 2022

In this world, there’s so much focus on our physical health, what we eat and drink and how often we exercise. Attention and an absolute importance are placed on emotional health and spirituality.

But, I rarely see mention of energetic self-care.

Since everything is energy, you may be wondering what that means exactly. To me energetic self-care means, what we are hanging onto and carrying around, and what are we putting out into the world.

A real question to ask yourself is, what types of energies am I emitting? Also, what kinds of energies am I allowing in my world?

Start paying attention to the kind of conversations you’re in. Notice any themes, common topics you find yourself talking about and focusing on.

Also, the types of tv shows or movies you’re watching. Often people think oh it's just a silly tv show. It doesn't bother me. But, yes it can impact your mood and energy fields a lot!

Ever noticed after watching a scary or dramatic movie you feel rather...

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