Prioritizing Your Health and Body

Feb 06, 2024

Recently I had a conversation with a longtime friend about bodies and how health issues show up if we don’t deal with trauma.

She mentioned that our body will start showing trauma via chronic aches and pains or diseases, disorders especially as we get “older”

Everyone has trauma to some degree and it won’t show up in the same way or intensity for everyone.

But I believe it is one component that contributes to aging.

Do some people watching and you may notice how many people move around hunched over, even before being on cell phones all day.

If you don’t release experiences from your body and mind they build up in your body and you can see it weighing you down. 

It’s nobody’s fault, most of us just weren’t taught how to release those energies.

And trauma very often activates the survival mechanism to freeze and avoid what has happened to cause the mental/ physical discomfort. 

Thankfully you don’t have to relive or...

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A Journey of Self Love

Sep 06, 2023

Self love is a very popular topic, especially the last few years. As positive an idea as it seems, I find it's definitely a mixed bag.

Growing up, I was a chubby kid, but in my late teens and early twenties, I became morbidly obese. I endured sexual abuse at the age of 7, and that set the tone for the decline of my self-esteem.

Even as I’m writing this I realize I’m becoming super analytical and choking back the more creative side of me.

Another great example is that part of me still feels that I’m only loveable under certain conditions. Funny how those conditions change depending on who’s judging us.

The world grooms us to always put others first and that any excessive liking of yourself is frowned upon and you’re quickly labeled egotistical and selfish.

It is more acceptable and actually often encouraged to put ourselves down and pretend we are small and insecure. All because if we like ourselves that somehow really pisses others off.

As a...

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Skin Love

Feb 21, 2023

On the journey to a healthier body, I realized many things contributed to achieving my goals.

We always hear about exercising, eating the “proper” foods and we all know those things are important.

But, what most people don’t realize is that if you are significantly overweight, your skin is going to change, and often very drastically! 

I have had numerous people say to me over the years that they want to lose weight and get healthy, but they are terrified of sagging skin.

Unfortunately, the fear of sagging skin has kept many people from following through with their fitness goals.

But I’m going to share some skin tips that I have used myself that have helped me tremendously during my massive weight loss.

Realize that you didn’t gain all the weight overnight, it took time to stretch out the skin, so it may not snap back overnight.

I believe anything is possible so if you want to affirm and embody that your skin does snap back super quickly,...

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