Time to Rest

Dec 13, 2022

This time of the year many people feel they require more sleep.

Our sleep/wake cycles are regulated by light, so it makes perfect sense that if we have less light each day, we feel sleepier.

I won't go into ALL of that, but feel free to do your research if you like… I do want to mention how many of us don’t honor our bodies signals for more rest and push ourselves to do even more.


Your body is not trying to trick you. If you feel tired and sleepy, you simply need more rest.

Your body is not some annoying enemy always getting in your way with all its wants and requirements.

It's funny that we naturally require more rest and quiet time during the holiday season!

How can you possibly give yourself more sleep when you have all these parties, meetings, lines to wait in to buy gifts, heck you can barely find time to feed yourself in a day let alone take a nap.

When you stop, listen to your true needs and honor them, life gets so much easier.

I know we have all...

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The Power of Doing Nothing

Jul 05, 2022

I’m sure you are aware of cycles, look to nature, and you will see a natural rhythm to things each and every day. But you may not be aware that those cycles and rhythms apply to all areas of your life. We aren’t meant to be going at full speed nonstop.

Trying to do everything on your own and helping others with their stuff too. Attempting to do too much for too long can have a very negative impact on your health, relationships, and your outlook on life.

It can take courage to stop and rest. Especially with how much importance the world puts on staying busy. We are taught to keep moving no matter what or risk being seen as lazy.

But what if stopping to do nothing is one of the best things you could do for yourself.

In times of high stress, it can seem counterintuitive to stop and relax. So many spinning anxious thoughts. Feeling you need to do something. Thinking you must keep moving or things will fall apart. It's often at those times we need to stop and do...

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