Are You Afraid of Love?

Feb 13, 2024

I’ve been helping people for many years now and can you guess what the #1 topic that I’m asked for help with? 

Yes, fun fabulous Romantic Relationships is top of the list with relationships in general as the second most popular.

This can be a very difficult subject for people, but it doesn’t have to be.

Let’s look at some different ways of allowing more love into your life.

I really want to help you finally get and keep the relationship of your dreams.

But, in order to do that, we need to gather some important information about your beliefs regarding love.

So, what does love mean to you? Maybe you think of family, romance, or cute little puppies wagging their tails.

Whatever your first thoughts were; I’d like you to take a deeper look at what you call love.

Imagine what it feels like for you to love and be loved. Was it all good, or did you have some uncomfortable thoughts and feelings pop up?

Like the jerk or jerkette that you overgave to...

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A Journey of Self Love

Sep 06, 2023

Self love is a very popular topic, especially the last few years. As positive an idea as it seems, I find it's definitely a mixed bag.

Growing up, I was a chubby kid, but in my late teens and early twenties, I became morbidly obese. I endured sexual abuse at the age of 7, and that set the tone for the decline of my self-esteem.

Even as I’m writing this I realize I’m becoming super analytical and choking back the more creative side of me.

Another great example is that part of me still feels that I’m only loveable under certain conditions. Funny how those conditions change depending on who’s judging us.

The world grooms us to always put others first and that any excessive liking of yourself is frowned upon and you’re quickly labeled egotistical and selfish.

It is more acceptable and actually often encouraged to put ourselves down and pretend we are small and insecure. All because if we like ourselves that somehow really pisses others off.

As a...

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The War Within

Jul 11, 2023

We’ve all had moments of feeling like we hate ourselves, fear that others hate us or we hate things we have done.

It is a part of life to experience a myriad of emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

We get to reflect upon our actions and make adjustments to those thoughts, feelings, and beliefs when we want to create a different experience in our reality.

That’s all great if used to positively adjust our points of view.

But what often happens is we find we are in a war with ourselves.

We call this self-sabotage and it's one of the biggest things distracting us from consciously choosing to create our lives.

Sabotage comes in many forms, but no matter the form it takes it is meant to keep you stuck and spinning.

Let’s take shame for instance.

We have all felt shame before.

But what about when it becomes irrational shame?

Have you ever felt like you needed to keep a secret from everyone because if they knew your secret they would certainly chastise you and...

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Nothing Else Matters

May 31, 2022

What matters more than anything else?

That’s right, your health!

Yes, making sure you are healthy is absolutely by far the most important thing.

If you're not feeling well, you cannot function properly, and that affects every single area of your life.

What I find interesting is that so many people will run themselves ragged, skipping meals, not moving their bodies, not sleeping enough and then they are baffled as to why things aren't going very smoothly in their lives.

When you honor yourself and your body by taking the time to eat balanced meals, get enough uninterrupted sleep and maybe even go for a walk, you will be astounded at how much easier everything in your life becomes.

Think about it, you can't enjoy your loved ones if you're in pain, or grouchy from sleep deprivation.

I say this a lot, but you really must put yourself first.

If any of you are still feeling guilty about self-care, look at it this way, if you don't take good care of yourself, you could be...

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What did you say?

Apr 19, 2022

There is so much focus on how others treat us and how what they are doing or saying makes us feel.

But actually, nobody can make us feel anything!

Focusing on them is an excellent way to take the attention away from how we treat ourselves.

So what are you saying to yourself?

Have you ever taken a moment to pay attention to the things you are thinking or saying about yourself?

Maybe you can take a moment right now and remember some of the thoughts going through your head for the past hour. Were any of them kind or uplifting in any way?

Have you thought even one nice thing about yourself the entire day?

If not, perhaps it is time to change all that.

To me, saying and thinking bad things about ourselves is a way of cursing.

When you realize how many thoughts you have each day and how many of those thoughts are negative and creating exactly what you don’t want, well that is a form of cursing yourself.

I seriously doubt most of us would let anyone talk to us the way we can...

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