Stop Apologizing and Do This Instead

Oct 03, 2023

Do you notice that you apologize often?

Maybe you say sorry for how someone else feels or if a friend had a negative experience, even if you weren’t involved in the situation.

These habits of over-apologizing are pretty obvious but what about the sneaky ways you are apologizing for being?

Have you ever received really great feedback on something you created but immediately felt a twinge of guilt and worry?

Suddenly you’re contracting and feeling like you’ve done something bad. Wondering who do you think you are to enjoy yourself and to be noticed for your talents?

The world gives us a lot of contradicting information.

Be successful and stand out!


Hide; be small and safe!

And depending upon your childhood experiences/programming you will decide if it is a good or bad thing to be seen and acknowledged for being YOU.

Here a just a few signs you’re apologizing for your awesomeness:

*Deflecting compliments

*Hiding talents from others

*Hiding or...

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The Person to Please

May 30, 2023

Are you a good friend?

How about being a good spouse, parent, employee, etc.

Are you Good?

Did you feel some judgment and confusion that came up with that?

What if the only person you must please is YOU!?

Although it can be uncomfortable to acknowledge. All relationships really are about you.

And being more aware of how you treat yourself and expect to be treated by others.

So let’s talk a bit about how our relationships and roles change as we move into an often unknown territory of choosing what’s right for us.

As you commit to making changes in certain areas of your life, you will see that not everyone will be happy or supportive.

Because of this, many will choose to stay where they are, never venturing past the point where others start to get pissed off at them. Sometimes the people you thought you could depend on the most will disappear, say discouraging words, and disappoint you.

It might feel like things are breaking down and that you perhaps had lost your...

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Limits on You

Apr 18, 2023

I know you’ve probably heard it a million times that you are the only one who can stop you.

But how exactly are you stopping you?

Looking back over your life I’m sure you did go through hard times; you didn’t make them up, they happened. And sometimes we feel if certain things hadn’t happened our lives would be entirely different.

It’s funny how that idea could be used against us, by thinking our lives would be SO much better if such and such hadn’t happened.

It just keeps us stuck if we look at things that way.

Let’s take a look at some ways to let these old stories go finally.

I say this from my own life experience and witnessing numerous clients, friends, and family. If you need to feel validated or you’re holding onto resentment from a past unpleasant experience; you are making yourself a victim.

People don’t often like the word "victim, " but it's true.

We sometimes think holding onto anger or pain hurts the other...

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Who's Responsible?

Nov 22, 2022

I was thinking the other day about who is responsible for my life.

It's easy to say, "well me of course; I’m responsible for my own life. Other people can and do help me, but I have to take responsibility and stay in my power."

Questioning myself helped me realize how often I’ve taken responsibility for what happens in others lives as well.

You can contribute to others, but it is not your obligation to live their lives or take on their stuff!

How many people’s lives do you think you are responsible for?

Just go with the first number that comes up.

Pretty crazy huh?! If you’ve never thought about this before I think you’ll start noticing how much of your time, energy and attention is going towards other people's lives.

What they’re doing, creating, possibly overextending yourself to assist them in reaching their goals. Helping and being there for people we care about is great, but there is a limit.

Do you find that you’re unable to get...

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It's All Too Easy!

Jul 26, 2022

Recently I noticed as I looked around, so many books, posts, and videos focused on problems.

It’s common to overhear conversations and listen to others tell me how hard things are, like it's a badge of honor to do things the hardest way possible.

I usually look at them a little perplexed and ask them if they even noticed how many times they said things were hard in the last 10 minutes of us chatting.

Sometimes they are surprised and say that they don’t want things to be hard anymore.

When I suggest that they can change, things could be easier. Other people look at me like I’m crazy, and say, but it is hard, that’s just how life is.

But, what if it doesn't have to be that way?

There’s a big misconception that life is hard and that to actually achieve anything you need to go through some struggling, suffering, and hardships.

The more challenging the obstacles you overcome, the better.

Heck, look at all the singing and dancing shows on tv, they all...

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