Space to Create

May 25, 2023

I’m taking time this week to do some soul searching.

This is actually something I like to do every few months.

Noticing what is working and not working in my business and personal life.

Making sure that I am taking enough time to do things I enjoy and staying inspired to share with others how to more consciously create their lives.

To start, I sit down with all my lists, personal and professional,

I’m a big list maker.

I have stacks of notebooks scattered around everywhere!!

I like to see things written out in front of me. I personally find it easier to stay focused having it written down and find that it's very satisfying to mark things as complete.

Please use whatever methods work for you to help keep track of your progress and hold you accountable.

So once I have my lists open I simply feel into the things and see if they still resonate with me or not.

If I don’t feel interested or in alignment with the projects or ideas I will either put them on...

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The Body You Love

May 09, 2023

Let’s talk about your amazing body!

I know some of you probably thought, what the hell is she talking about?

My body isn’t amazing. It's too big here, too little there, pain in this area; all sorts of things wrong with it.

Ok, now that we got the body shaming out of the way; can you find one thing you like about your body?

Just one. It could be your eyes, you have great toes or the way your nose crinkles when you smile!  

If you found it difficult to find anything about your body you like, you’re not alone.

This world teaches us to hate our bodies, look for things wrong with it and compare it to others.

I used to think something was wrong with me because I had pores on my face but the people in the magazines did not. Until I realized they were heavily made up and photo-shopped to look that way!

We are constantly bombarded with images of bodies that are the example of what we're supposed to look like.

Rather than look to others for validation, have...

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What's good?

Nov 01, 2022

How often do you take a moment to appreciate the things and people in your life?

Maybe your answer was never, I don’t know or there’s nothing to appreciate in my life right now.

Those answers are fine, they show you where you’re currently focused. However, continuing to think like that will only keep you stuck in more of the same.

We live In a world where we’re bombarded with messages that nothing is quite good enough and we always need more. Don’t get me wrong, having goals and dreams is fantastic and important to an expansive happy life. But, so is regularly acknowledging what is “right & good”  in your life.

It is common to hear people going on about how bad things are and that one day they will be happy.

One day?

The day when they have said goal accomplished…but that day will never come. Yea sure, you may very well reach your goal but then you’ll feel that’s no longer good enough and start focusing on...

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Allow Yourself to Play

May 24, 2022

A few years ago a friend took me to a class, and I painted my first picture ever!

It was an incredible experience.

I was beaming and excited about the painting and the entire experience for days!

At first, I felt uptight and intimidated; I’d never done this before.

Many beautiful paintings were hanging everywhere, and I had no idea how I was going to make anything look half as good as those!

I realized so much about myself and life that day. Everyone was extremely friendly and calm, just having fun.

I allowed myself just to play and go along with whatever happened.

If I added too much of a color, I would simply adjust it by adding more water, less water, a different color whatever I felt guided to do.

I could feel the tension and judgment melting out of my body each time I would add more paint to the canvas.

I began to feel myself getting excited as a little child to the point I just kept a big grin on my face as I splashed paint around thinking of the endless...

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