Get Grounded!

Apr 11, 2023

In the wellness and spiritual circles it is very common to hear people telling each other to get grounded. But what exactly does that mean?

I’m sure people will have lots of opinions about the meaning but I will just speak from my knowing and you can use this info however you like ;-) 

To me, grounded means to allow your physical body and energy bodies to be fully connected to the energy of the planet.

I ground myself and all my clients in each session by visualizing etc. But, walking barefoot in the grass or sand is an easy super powerful way to stay grounded and balanced!

It may be too cold outside to do this or you might be afraid of stepping in your neighbors pet droppings :-D In that case you can purchase grounding mats, also called earthing mats. I’ve heard lots of great feedback about the mats.

You can try one out but I’d still suggest allowing your bare feet to make contact on the ground as much as possible.

Our ancestors did this regularly...

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Time to Rest

Dec 13, 2022

This time of the year many people feel they require more sleep.

Our sleep/wake cycles are regulated by light, so it makes perfect sense that if we have less light each day, we feel sleepier.

I won't go into ALL of that, but feel free to do your research if you like… I do want to mention how many of us don’t honor our bodies signals for more rest and push ourselves to do even more.


Your body is not trying to trick you. If you feel tired and sleepy, you simply need more rest.

Your body is not some annoying enemy always getting in your way with all its wants and requirements.

It's funny that we naturally require more rest and quiet time during the holiday season!

How can you possibly give yourself more sleep when you have all these parties, meetings, lines to wait in to buy gifts, heck you can barely find time to feed yourself in a day let alone take a nap.

When you stop, listen to your true needs and honor them, life gets so much easier.

I know we have all...

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The Holiday Trap

Nov 29, 2022
A funny thing happens during the holidays. People who are already maxed out and stressed out suddenly add even more to their to do lists.
The sense of obligation is intense this time of year. With work parties, family gatherings and shopping; when is there time to rest and do things for yourself?

Many people struggle with taking time for themselves all year round. Lots of us, especially women, are taught to take care of others first. But always putting others' needs first can be detrimental to your well being.

You may start to harbor a lot of resentment towards others and even towards yourself for not setting healthy boundaries.

The guilt that often comes with setting boundaries can be a big sticking point. Feeling you should do this or that because it's family and you gotta put family first. Or giving gifts to people you don’t really know or like. It's all very draining and not honoring you.

Understand that you really don’t have to do all these...

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Are your Over-giving?

May 10, 2022

We’ve all heard the old saying that it is better to give than receive. It does feel wonderful to give and help others, but how do we know when we’ve started to give too much? 

One of the first things you may notice is feeling drained.

Giving is one thing, but chronic over-giving is another. If giving just doesn’t feel right, that’s your first clue to make some adjustments.

Anytime I find myself feeling tired for many days, and I can’t trace it back to a lack of sleep, I look at my interactions with others.

I reassess whether I’ve allowed myself to give in a way that feels right or if I’ve let myself get wrapped up into all their needs and wants.

Once I identify some patterns with people that are apparently draining me, I take action and change it asap!

It used to bother me so much to set boundaries with people or tell them no I can’t do this or that, you know to take care of my needs first. But, I realized quickly, if I...

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