What to Do When Negative Thoughts Strike

Sep 12, 2023

Unwanted thoughts happen.

Everyone has experienced unwanted or “negative” thoughts.

I prefer to call them unwanted to take the charge out of it.

If you look at something as negative that immediately puts up resistance and uses a lot of energy and focus to push against it. 

Instead, you can look at it as though there are infinite possibilities, realities, and thoughts available at any moment.

Because there are.

You are actually picking up on others' thoughts, feelings, and other energies all the time to varying degrees.

Thankfully there’s nothing you actually need to do with all of this information, most of the time.

Start practicing just letting those thoughts float through you or past you.

If you have a scary thought and tense up, take a deep breath and think, oh I’m so glad that’s not gonna happen, or that’s an interesting thought... and shake it off.

Stop the habit of trying to figure it out.

What does it mean, is everything ok? Oh...

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The War Within

Jul 11, 2023

We’ve all had moments of feeling like we hate ourselves, fear that others hate us or we hate things we have done.

It is a part of life to experience a myriad of emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

We get to reflect upon our actions and make adjustments to those thoughts, feelings, and beliefs when we want to create a different experience in our reality.

That’s all great if used to positively adjust our points of view.

But what often happens is we find we are in a war with ourselves.

We call this self-sabotage and it's one of the biggest things distracting us from consciously choosing to create our lives.

Sabotage comes in many forms, but no matter the form it takes it is meant to keep you stuck and spinning.

Let’s take shame for instance.

We have all felt shame before.

But what about when it becomes irrational shame?

Have you ever felt like you needed to keep a secret from everyone because if they knew your secret they would certainly chastise you and...

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