Do Your Facts Suck?

Aug 22, 2023

Did you know that what you say is true is actually true for you?

And your mind will look for evidence to keep affirming whatever your point of view is.

So if you don’t like something it's a great idea to STOP stating it as a fact!

I have had people tell me about things that they hated and wanted to change and when I offered my insight they became defensive and said “But it's a FACT!” I can’t change this!

Like how dare I offer such a ludicrous idea that it could be changed.

Well… ask yourself if you want something to continue being a fact or not. You have the power to change it. 

However; if you are hell-bent on proving and declaring to the world it is a fact, then that is what you will get more of.

That thing you hate hardens into fact over and over again.

Where are you defending something as being a fact in your life?

Is it a relationship, a health issue, or maybe your current money reality?

What have you decided is factual and...

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