A Journey of Self Love

Sep 06, 2023

Self love is a very popular topic, especially the last few years. As positive an idea as it seems, I find it's definitely a mixed bag.

Growing up, I was a chubby kid, but in my late teens and early twenties, I became morbidly obese. I endured sexual abuse at the age of 7, and that set the tone for the decline of my self-esteem.

Even as I’m writing this I realize I’m becoming super analytical and choking back the more creative side of me.

Another great example is that part of me still feels that I’m only loveable under certain conditions. Funny how those conditions change depending on who’s judging us.

The world grooms us to always put others first and that any excessive liking of yourself is frowned upon and you’re quickly labeled egotistical and selfish.

It is more acceptable and actually often encouraged to put ourselves down and pretend we are small and insecure. All because if we like ourselves that somehow really pisses others off.

As a...

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Trust and Receive

Sep 13, 2022

Trusting yourself is one of the most important things you can do, if not the most important.

Do you trust and believe that the things you desire in your life are possible?

Or do you make yourself wrong for wanting them and second guess yourself every chance you get?

If you spend much of your time asking the “Universe” for things that seem to never show up, you’re likely caught up in not trusting.

Usually you desire something, get super excited, then for various reasons you don’t trust and believe that you can have them.

That quickly stops those things from showing up, which can easily lead into a loop of not trusting yourself, because it didn’t work before, why would it work now?


Trusting yourself takes practice.

Many of us were taught to seek answers outside ourselves and try to fit into what others wanted us to be.

Making yourself wrong for thinking outside the box, and asking for more than those around you had ever dared to ask. Those...

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