Space to Create

May 25, 2023

I’m taking time this week to do some soul searching.

This is actually something I like to do every few months.

Noticing what is working and not working in my business and personal life.

Making sure that I am taking enough time to do things I enjoy and staying inspired to share with others how to more consciously create their lives.

To start, I sit down with all my lists, personal and professional,

I’m a big list maker.

I have stacks of notebooks scattered around everywhere!!

I like to see things written out in front of me. I personally find it easier to stay focused having it written down and find that it's very satisfying to mark things as complete.

Please use whatever methods work for you to help keep track of your progress and hold you accountable.

So once I have my lists open I simply feel into the things and see if they still resonate with me or not.

If I don’t feel interested or in alignment with the projects or ideas I will either put them on...

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The Business of Fun!

Sep 20, 2022

When was the last time you had fun while working?

Whether you own your own business or work for someone else; fun is something that is way too often missing.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Let’s talk about some ways you can add fun to your work, even if that currently sounds crazy and impossible.


The first thing is to realize that so many people have been complaining about work for so long, it's almost expected that we join in too.

Growing up, I'd hear neighbors chatting it up about how they hated their jobs. Boss was a jerk, pay was awful, and it was just something that everyone had to do, a part of life.

Every job I ever had, people were complaining and often completely baffled when I wasn’t adding to their conversations. Sometimes it ticked people off! They wanted to know what I was so happy about and how dare I find something about our miserable employer to appreciate.

I never let that get to me much; I just kept doing things to keep myself in an...

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