Problems- Addiction to Stress and Anxiety

Feb 20, 2024

Do you think it's normal to be stressed out?

Maybe you think it’s even a sign that you’re doing things right.

Ya know, the belief that those who hustle and grind will be successful.

That if you keep pushing even if you feel sick and anxious it will all work out.

Guess what, it doesn’t work in the long run.

Sure, you might be able to maintain that pace for a while, even many years.

But, it's no way to truly live and enjoy life and it will eventually create issues that manifest as physical and mental struggles.

While it's true that even things that are good for us, like exercise/movement, are stressful.

We are not meant to live in a chronically stressed to the max state.

Our bodies are designed to go through stressful events but then to rebalance and stabilize.

All of that is in a perfect world. 

Now for the fun part.

What are you trying to avoid by being chronically stressed? 

What are you trying to gain or prove?

If you immediately feel...

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