Self-talk, How's yours ?

Apr 26, 2023

How do you feel when given a compliment?

Do you receive it quickly or directly and say "Thank You"?

Or perhaps you deflect it.

Do you then feel obligated to compliment them back or even finding fault with whatever you were complimented?

These are all signs that your self-talk could likely use a bit of adjusting.


Have you ever stopped to take notice of how you’re thinking about yourself?

What you say out loud is essential too, but all those thoughts that float through your head unspoken each day are having a significant impact on your self-image AND your life.

Now there are always exceptions to the rules, but you may have noticed negative things you think about yourself, well, you’d never tolerate another person speaking to you in that manner.

So why do you allow yourself to put you down?

I’m inviting you to let go of all the crappy self-talk you’re involved in each day.

It's certainly your choice, no need to stop tearing yourself down, but if...

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What did you say?

Apr 19, 2022

There is so much focus on how others treat us and how what they are doing or saying makes us feel.

But actually, nobody can make us feel anything!

Focusing on them is an excellent way to take the attention away from how we treat ourselves.

So what are you saying to yourself?

Have you ever taken a moment to pay attention to the things you are thinking or saying about yourself?

Maybe you can take a moment right now and remember some of the thoughts going through your head for the past hour. Were any of them kind or uplifting in any way?

Have you thought even one nice thing about yourself the entire day?

If not, perhaps it is time to change all that.

To me, saying and thinking bad things about ourselves is a way of cursing.

When you realize how many thoughts you have each day and how many of those thoughts are negative and creating exactly what you don’t want, well that is a form of cursing yourself.

I seriously doubt most of us would let anyone talk to us the way we can...

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