How may I help you?

Mar 08, 2022

Did you all hear about the terrible thing that happened to so and so? It's awful, the poor family.  What about the war in that country somewhere over there? And did you hear that my friend's mom who is diagnosed with a horrible life threatening disease And! My neighbor's cat just died yesterday?! 

After reading that paragraph notice do you feel slimed, yucky and hopeless? Perhaps you feel tension in your body.

Each day we are bombarded with information and ongoing conversations similar to those above. Even if we are doing our best to focus on happy thoughts, we can quickly find ourselves 30 minutes into an all out complaining and scary b*tch-fest. It accomplishes nothing but making you feel worse and confused, rather than actually adding anything helpful.

So, what can you do?

First, be aware of what you're currently doing. How are you reacting to these types of situations right now?

Many people tell me they want to help. Whether it's a world issue, a sick...

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