The Magic Within

Mar 12, 2024

The other day during a session my client mentioned they are part Irish and that opened up an amazing energy of elves, leprechauns, fairies, and magic!

I’ve seen lots of things over the years, with my physical and energetic eyes.

But, I was blown away at the tingling rushing through my arms when I asked for my client to receive the gifts and magic from her Irish ancestry. 

Although I was activating those energies for my client it awakened things within me too.

Places where I had turned down my gifts and magic.

Ways that I unconsciously try to fit in and not be too bizarre and stand out.

Thoughts like;” Ya know, magic and fairies are great for movies, but don’t be too much of a weirdo and talk about that stuff in real life.” 

Now, if you know me at all you know that I love to go beyond limits.

As a child I was known for saying things like; “don’t tell me what to do or watch me!”

I could always perceive limitations and...

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Let's Get Lucky!

Mar 21, 2023

Many years ago, I read an article that really stuck with me.

In the article, the woman was pointing out that since we are making everything up, why not make it good?

I thought the idea was genius and I had truly never thought of it that way. Considering most of us are told to be realistic, whatever the hell that means, this new idea to make things up in a good way blew my mind!

Yes, I had heard and read so much about positive thoughts, but the way this person worded it felt way more empowering and fun than most others I had heard before.

You are much more likely to stick with something if you think it’s enjoyable.

I’m a big believer in making things simple and practical. We are bombarded with so much info each day that I really love anything that is to the point and super effective!

One way you can use this technique is where luck is concerned.

Have you ever noticed someone who always wins? Any games they play, contests they enter, heck they may even have multiple...

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