The Leader of Your Life

Mar 15, 2022

Since childhood other people have told us what to do and when. It didn’t matter if the actions felt right to us or not.  We depended on them to survive, so we went along with it. But those patterns set us up to habitually ignore or go against our innate knowing of what is right for us.

The pattern continues in school where we must do everything the teachers say. At work, it's our bosses telling us what, how and when to do everything. Everyone thinking they know what's best for us and wanting things their way.

Sometimes we go ahead with what they want to keep the peace, be loved and accepted. But often it can be confusing to know what you want. With so many people in our space constantly saying to do this or do that, how can we possibly hear ourselves? Here are some things I do...

1.) Take some time to be alone- no phone, tv, computer. Just quiet time. This way you can start to notice how YOU feel; not how everyone else around you is feeling and pulling on you. This...

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