Stay on Target

Jun 21, 2022

When you start the journey to having more awareness, self-love and acceptance it can be very exciting and freeing.

You start noticing you're feeling happier and lighter, and when you do have an off day they’re nowhere near as frequent or intense as before.

That is until you're stuck in a room full of your relatives or in-laws LOL!

We often think once we move away from family or even have our own, many things that used to bother us just simply go away.

We have our lives pretty much together; we have careers, academic accomplishments, our children, why the heck should it matter what our Uncle "Bart" thinks of us?

Well, it technically doesn't, but that doesn't stop Bart or other family members' opinions or comments from triggering the crap out of us!

So, what to do?

Well, first remember that it is entirely normal for things that people say to bother us from time to time, second take a breath and do your best to let it go and not feed into any annoying comments or actions....

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