Inner Child Journey

Mar 26, 2024

 Have you ever done an inner child journey?

If you aren’t sure, they are usually structured as a guided meditation that has you use your imagination to tap into aspects of yourself and childhood memories.

The idea is to identify and release traumas, fears and beliefs that are contributing to unwanted life patterns. 

These meditations are wonderful and can be very life changing.

But, I think it's important to notice when our inner child shows up in our daily lives.

This child aspect is full of innocence, wonder, and creativity.

An excitement and curiosity flows through it showing a zest for life and being alive!

But, this inner child has also gone through disappointments, uncertainty, and doesn’t feel safe or good enough sometimes.

We have all been hurt and let down. How we cope with those things is different but there are some similarities.

When you catch yourself feeling super upset over something small, you are likely reacting from that wounded child...

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Creating Beyond Crappy Childhood Programs

Jan 30, 2024

Do you guide your thoughts; or do they control you most of the time?

Many of us were taught that life just happens to us and that even our thoughts are out of our control.

But what if you DO have control of your thoughts, especially where you focus them…

Perhaps you noticed that any attempt you make to stretch past old ways of thinking and being can feel uncomfortable and even like there’s a battle going on within you.

There is actually a battle going on at times.

Between parts of you that think they are protecting you by staying the same and the parts that know you’re safe and it's time to choose differently!

Our choices are influenced by so many factors that there’s no possible way to know them all.

And good thing that’s not required to live a more conscious life.

But it is good to know that most of the triggers will show up from childhood programming and wounding. 

When you find yourself suddenly terrified of being abandoned, afraid...

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