How to beat Burn-Out

Oct 10, 2023


There are countless articles and books written about burnout.

The causes, how long it lasts, and what supplementation and lifestyle changes are recommended.

You will find some great information and I do believe that certain supplements are helpful.

But, if you’re feeling burnt out or on the verge of exhaustion it's a great opportunity to do some deeper assessments of your life.

This is probably not the time to keep pushing or “try to get more energy” just to set yourself up for possibly bigger issues in the future.

You may be thinking something is wrong with you.

Why can’t you get as much done as others? You should be able to do more as you constantly push against your body’s natural need for rest, relaxation and leisure.

First of all, comparing yourself to others is really the quickest path to misery.

Secondly, you really have no idea what is going on with the people who appear to be full of energy, super productive, and happy.


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