Ready for the New

celebration goals new planning Dec 20, 2022

Do you have anything new planned? Is there anything coming up in your life that you’re excited about or looking forward to?

If not, let's change that now! My dad always tells me that we have to have something to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, just that you’re looking forward to it.

It’s that fun feeling that you get when you are waiting for a package to come in the mail!

But you don’t need to actually have a package on the way in order to feel that excited feeling.

You can generate that sensation by imagining. Imagining creates that excited state immediately within you! Without anything outside you needing to change. Yes, you are that POWERFUL!

So, the new year is about to begin and this is a time that many people will get super excited about setting and accomplishing new goals!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that you and most other people don’t stay excited or motivated for very long.

One reason for this is that you’re often trying to force yourself to do things you don’t even want to do! Another reason is trying to do too much too fast.

I think going from zero days of exercising to 5 days suddenly, not a great idea.

So, I’m going to share with you a few ways to get clear on what you REALLY want. And to use the powerful feeling of anticipation to supercharge your goals!

Step #1. Is this my goal?!

First thing you must do is determine if a goal or dream is even yours?

What do I mean?

You may think just because a thought, feeling or idea is in your head it must be yours. Nope, you’d likely be shocked if you realized how much info you’re picking up that isn’t yours at all.

Now sit down in a quiet place and allow yourself to relax for a moment. Then ask if what you’ve written down as things you’d like to accomplish even resonate with you or not.

You might get caught up in doing things because you think you’re supposed to, or you wanted those things at one time.

But, do you truly want that anymore? Does it excite you?

If so, put it on a new sheet of paper. There’s your true desire and you can let go of the other list. Or check back later and see if something on there inspires you again.

Step #2 Creating your new list!

Take the items from your original list and add them to a new list. You can also take a few minutes to get real with yourself and see if there are any other things you’d like to accomplish this year.

Don’t get caught up in the time frame, just write them down. I want you to add things that maybe you’ve never told anyone before, maybe you even hide these dreams from yourself.

Allow yourself to have clarity about what it is you’d love to create in your world.

This list is only for you and I want you to write them down on paper even if they seem too scary or big to ever accomplish. Get the ideas out of your head and into the material world. Writing things down is super powerful!

Step #3 Adding some Magic!

Now that you’ve fine tuned your list and filled it with some of your deepest desires, let's add some pizzazz to it!

Commit to once or twice a day for only 5 to 10 min to imagine your goals accomplished.

Let this step be easy and fun!

If you find yourself overthinking and worried how things will manifest, you’re starting to go too far too fast.

Just close your eyes, see and FEEL what it's like for you to be living as if your goals are already accomplished.

Imagine it NOW in the present, not in the future.

What do you feel like?

Bump up that feeling a bit more and enjoy the sensations. You may notice you walk differently, speak differently. Just notice what you see and feel.

Now, imagine that the frequencies in alignment with your vision are now activating each one of your cells to acclimate your entire system and all of your thoughts to having this as your new reality NOW.

See the vibrations as sparkles, all sorts of colors shapes, you may even hear sounds. Go with the flow, letting the energies infuse you!

Step #4 Go with the flow.

Having an idea of what you want in your life is fantastic and I find it really helps me to create things more quickly.

But, I want you to know you are NOT stuck with the things you’ve written down.

You are free to choose something different whenever you like.

So, as the weeks go by, check in periodically and see if some things you wrote maybe don’t interest you anymore or if you get more info and need to accomplish a few other things first, that's ok too.

Be open to changes, new inspiration and letting things go! And remember to make note of all the things on your list that have manifested!!

Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with love, magic and fun!! :-)




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