I Do Not Receive That

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2023

Recently I saw a youtube video where a woman was explaining how she responded to a very rude customer by simply saying “I do not receive that.” and walking away. 

It got me wondering how many things we get triggered by and feel the need to fight against. 

Would you just walk away? 

Or do you think you’d feel the need to defend or convince that person of your point of view? 

Obviously, our response depends on lots of things. If we are hungry, tired, or simply done with BS for the day.

But, taking the time to respond and not react can spare you a lot of discomfort and create a great habit of being selective about what you give your energy and attention to.

This reminds me of an old quote.

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” 

~Winston Churchill

This world is full of potential distractions (barking dogs). Some of them can appear to be super important/urgent matters but you’ve got to train yourself to recognize the nonsense from the things that are truly important. 

Now I’m not saying you should just walk away in a situation like that. You’ve got to check in with yourself and see what feels right for you at that moment. Giving yourself time to assess what will create more or less ease in your life, then make your choice from there. 

I wonder what you’ll create when you’re not distracted and offended by things. Just tap into how much space and lightness there is when you let go of things that truly don’t matter. You may not even be clear on what matters to you and what doesn’t.

If you’re not clear, list it out. Get all of it outta your head and on a sheet of paper. I’m big on writing lists for clarity and taking the charge out of things that stay stuck in our minds. What are you no longer giving your time, energy, and attention to? Some things could be 


Done with this List!

  1. Habitual complaining
  2. Self slandering-negative self-talk
  3. People who waste your time- That includes YOU :-)
  4. Making excuses for toxic behavior.


More of this please list!

  1. Identifying what you don’t like and Making Changes 
  2. Praising YOU. Amplify things you like about yourself. Receiving kindness from others
  3. Value your time and energy!
  4. Call people on their bullsh*t Encourage yourself and others to be better. If someone doesn’t like that…. BYE! :-)


It's not complicated. You just have to be consistent with changing your life.

It is amazing what we can get used to. (and not in a good way)

You didn’t come to this planet to live a life of tolerating and just getting by.

Be bold and know you can have anything you want. So, what do you choose?

Have fun getting clear and creating your amazing life!! 

Lots of love,




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