Appreciate it All

It’s easy to be grateful when things are going well. But what if it's all good? What if every experience you have means whatever you say it means?

That even in times of stress and loss you can choose how you view all of it. You have the power to decide at any moment how you think and feel about things that happened even years ago. 

There was a time when I was so filled with anxiety that I was unable to go to school. I was one of the first people in the US to be home-schooled and I continued to be taught at home until I graduated.

I was unable to work, and could barely go out in public.

There was a 3 year period that I only left my home a handful of times, and those times were only to go see a doctor to find out "what was wrong with me."

For years I struggled with social anxiety, months on end of full blown panic attacks and I really couldn't function in life at all. I depended almost entirely on family to help me and was forced to be on disability for many years.

I really never think of these times anymore. It wasn't until this past week a client of mine was telling me how their anxiety had diminished drastically after only a few sessions with me.

Seeing the change in this client suddenly reminded me of how anxiety used to be my identity. It ruled my entire life; every single thing I did was planned around whether or not my fear and anxiety would permit me to do something or go somewhere.

It actually brought tears to my eyes to think of how my life is completely free of anxiety now. I can go wherever I like whenever I like, I even feel calm speaking and doing clearings for rooms full of people! No way that would have happened before!

I help people everyday to create and live happier, healthier and more peaceful lives. I am so thankful to have experienced all of that. For one, I certainly know how it feels to suffer with anxiety so I am able to relate to others going through it, and now being completely free of it, I know that no matter where you are right now in your life, no matter what is going on, It won't always be that way. it will get better!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me during those times and believed in me and always saw me as whole and complete. And thank you to all the people who allow me to help guide them to create amazing lives! Much love :-)


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